Creator Roadmap - AMA with Nick and Tian [Oct 4, 2023]

oh this is a great question and what an interesting idea. as you know, we just launched video uploads today. videos are private for now, but we are looking into making audio and video more easily shareable with groups and friends (it’s on the roadmap) by the end of the year and other asset types next year, which could make your idea possible. let us know how it goes!

we’re excited to see your interest in Android Future is Bright, and we’re currently targeting a beta release before the end of this year. we’ll have more information to share as we get closer to the release.


Thank you for your question. We’re currently focused on improving our terrain’s overall performance and scalability. Internally, we’ve started to think about the future of materials on Roblox. This is a great request, and we’ll take note while we explore the best solution for all creators.


We’re currently focused on improving terrain’s performance and scalability. We’re always open to hearing feedback and suggestions from creators. If you have any specific asks around what type of controls you’d like to see, we’d love to hear it.


We don’t currently have plans for full body tracking, but in 2024 we will be extending our facial tracking tech to the upper body. Working seamlessly with our existing Facial Animation Stack, this real-time animation of your avatar’s upper body will work sitting, standing, and when the body is partially hidden.


The plan is to be on Qt 5 (Qt 5.15.9 to be accurate) for the redesigned Studio. The docking issue is not related to the Qt version and has already been addressed for >99% cases and we are rolling out this month a change that will address it completely.


hey thanks for raising the topic. in general we’re always looking for responsible ways to give creators more ways to earn. it’s part of the reason we announced the creator marketplace changes with 100% of the net proceeds (excluding tax and payment processing fees) to the seller. while we’re constantly discussing this internally, we have no additional updates to share at this time.


Yes, the accessory refinement tool will allow you to position accessories. Launching in 2024, the API will help you build tools in your experiences to fit accessories perfectly to any avatar. It will allow you to move, scale, and rotate any accessory, including hats, glasses, clothing, etc. This will first be released as an API for developers to add to their experiences. Eventually, we plan for it to be part of the Avatar Editor.


At RDC, we recently shared that we’re working on flex layouts for responsive design and style sheets that let you change the look and feel of your UI–and 3D elements–with one click. We’re always looking for more ideas. If you could wave a magic wand, what one improvement would you like most?


appreciate the feedback nobledraconian! we’ve had to make some tough decisions around sunsetting programs over the past few years. as our community grows, much of what existed previously no longer fits our global community today. we have issued statements ahead of the sunset of the programs you mentioned (i.e. Accelerator), and we are always looking for new opportunities to empower our evolving community with programs and tools that fit them today and in the future.

that said, we are actively addressing the backlog for the Dev Awards, and recently shared an update on the Verified Badge to share more detail on how it works.


Are there any plans to add different texture filtering modes, for example, Nearest neighbor, Trilinear, and Anisotropic? It would be very useful for pixelated textures and general graphical improvements.


hi thanks for the question! in general, we are absolutely thinking through sophisticated use cases like yours, as well as the needs of larger organizations. we want to simplify collaboration, access control, and revenue sharing. we are working towards a future where you can be more granular about who has access to do what within your group (for example, providing edit access to only a specific experience, rather than all of them).

for revenue, we’re also looking at providing better tooling so that you can configure payouts in a way that more accurately reflects your collaborator’s contributions to various aspects of your group (for example, an individual experience). we’ll share more about our long term vision for groups in the coming months.


Honestly, the single most useful thing for UI, in my opinion, would be SVG support. It’d solve a lot of issues with scalability and provide an easy route for people already experienced with UI/UX design to easily do work on Roblox, while also allowing for a way to use custom fonts made by creators. As much as I desperately want acrylic/blur effects available for UI elements, I feel that SVG support would be the biggest long-term improvement one could make to Roblox’s image support and UI functionality.


In terms of UI, I’d personally most like to see being able to invert UI elements using negative size to see a mirrored version of it, especially in the case of ViewportFrames.

I’m looking forward to other visual effects, but I think I’m most interested in that one at this moment.

The main improvement I’d like to see for terrain is being able to adjust the properties of grass/water, and preferably all terrain, non-globally.

Additionally, I’d like to see terrain water work as a material that you can apply to a part. This would be incredibly useful, especially if that part can have unique water properties.

I would ask the same for decoration like grass being able to be applied to parts, but water is more important for me right now.

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When packages and models become sellable assets, will we be able to create custom thumbnails for them just like plugins? Because right now the Toolbox displays a 3D view of models which can be extracted since they’re simply underneath a ViewportFrame. I don’t think something like that would work for paid models. Hopefully that makes sense.

Where are clouds? I have seen SOOOO many people asking where clouds are. We want clouds, I want clouds. We were told we would have an update, no update :frowning:


thanks for raising this question. it’s a very large topic of internal conversation as well. we absolutely hear the feedback and are working internally to help find the right long-term solutions for the ecosystem that continue to create opportunities for more diverse content.

there will be a post on discovery soon that should give more detail on how the algorithm works.


The cloud instance exists… you can edit the cover and density of it too.

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Along with the new topbar update, will the inventory/backpack ui ever get a redesign?


For this first release, it won’t be possible to have different grass height in different areas. In the future, we plan to offer much more flexibility, such as the ability to edit density and have different lengths of grass in different regions of your worlds, among other things. We’re excited to share more information on this soon.


hi thanks for the question and the idea. we’re not the right people here to answer that, but we’ll pass it along to the team!