Creator Roadmap - AMA with Nick and Tian [Oct 4, 2023]

At RDC, we recently shared that we’re working on flex layouts for responsive design and style sheets that let you change the look and feel of your UI–and 3D elements–with one click. We’re always looking for more ideas. If you could wave a magic wand, what one improvement would you like most?


appreciate the feedback nobledraconian! we’ve had to make some tough decisions around sunsetting programs over the past few years. as our community grows, much of what existed previously no longer fits our global community today. we have issued statements ahead of the sunset of the programs you mentioned (i.e. Accelerator), and we are always looking for new opportunities to empower our evolving community with programs and tools that fit them today and in the future.

that said, we are actively addressing the backlog for the Dev Awards, and recently shared an update on the Verified Badge to share more detail on how it works.


Are there any plans to add different texture filtering modes, for example, Nearest neighbor, Trilinear, and Anisotropic? It would be very useful for pixelated textures and general graphical improvements.


hi thanks for the question! in general, we are absolutely thinking through sophisticated use cases like yours, as well as the needs of larger organizations. we want to simplify collaboration, access control, and revenue sharing. we are working towards a future where you can be more granular about who has access to do what within your group (for example, providing edit access to only a specific experience, rather than all of them).

for revenue, we’re also looking at providing better tooling so that you can configure payouts in a way that more accurately reflects your collaborator’s contributions to various aspects of your group (for example, an individual experience). we’ll share more about our long term vision for groups in the coming months.


Honestly, the single most useful thing for UI, in my opinion, would be SVG support. It’d solve a lot of issues with scalability and provide an easy route for people already experienced with UI/UX design to easily do work on Roblox, while also allowing for a way to use custom fonts made by creators. As much as I desperately want acrylic/blur effects available for UI elements, I feel that SVG support would be the biggest long-term improvement one could make to Roblox’s image support and UI functionality.


In terms of UI, I’d personally most like to see being able to invert UI elements using negative size to see a mirrored version of it, especially in the case of ViewportFrames.

I’m looking forward to other visual effects, but I think I’m most interested in that one at this moment.

The main improvement I’d like to see for terrain is being able to adjust the properties of grass/water, and preferably all terrain, non-globally.

Additionally, I’d like to see terrain water work as a material that you can apply to a part. This would be incredibly useful, especially if that part can have unique water properties.

I would ask the same for decoration like grass being able to be applied to parts, but water is more important for me right now.

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When packages and models become sellable assets, will we be able to create custom thumbnails for them just like plugins? Because right now the Toolbox displays a 3D view of models which can be extracted since they’re simply underneath a ViewportFrame. I don’t think something like that would work for paid models. Hopefully that makes sense.

Where are clouds? I have seen SOOOO many people asking where clouds are. We want clouds, I want clouds. We were told we would have an update, no update :frowning:


thanks for raising this question. it’s a very large topic of internal conversation as well. we absolutely hear the feedback and are working internally to help find the right long-term solutions for the ecosystem that continue to create opportunities for more diverse content.

there will be a post on discovery soon that should give more detail on how the algorithm works.


The cloud instance exists… you can edit the cover and density of it too.

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Along with the new topbar update, will the inventory/backpack ui ever get a redesign?


For this first release, it won’t be possible to have different grass height in different areas. In the future, we plan to offer much more flexibility, such as the ability to edit density and have different lengths of grass in different regions of your worlds, among other things. We’re excited to share more information on this soon.


hi thanks for the question and the idea. we’re not the right people here to answer that, but we’ll pass it along to the team!


Hi @lowercasecreator! Thanks for the response.

This doesn’t answer my question about what Roblox is actively doing to improve transparency with programs, this type of response (“we’re always looking for cool new things for our creators”) has been posted numerous times before in different announcements when similar questions have arised.

This is good! Ideally this could have been made clear more publically, I sent this feedback to the folks handling that particular program.

This was also good! But again, that’s not really what my question was targeting. E.g. the badge program recently halted for 1-2 months due to an internal conflict between teams about whether or not the program should even exist. None of this was communicated to creators, which resulted in some creators getting the badge, some not, and inconsistent requirements.
Things like that are what I am asking about, developers need more transparency with those and there is a lack of a process right now for that. This also impacts Roblox’s ability to take feedback on these programs.


The PerAxis ForceLimitMode for AlignPosition that was released recently has been very useful and made transitioning from BodyPosition to AlignPosition easy.

I was wondering if a PerAxis ForceLimitMode property is planned for AlignOrientation too? So that it can behave in a similar way to BodyGyro and it’s MaxTorque property, allowing developers to transition away from that too. (Using a new property called MaxAxesTorque, similar to MaxAxesForce)


I’ve worked a little bit with the new UI design myself. I haven’t explored more to know all of its current capabilities, but I was wondering if sometime in the future if GUI could be based on a grid to help with the sizing on different devices?

I know we could create something similar as this with the grid layout, but when a person makes websites with HTML and CSS, they make grids and declare what each column and row size are if they choose to do that.

I think going this route would be the perfect way, considering a lot of GUI can be positioned like that. That way it makes it easier for the creator to create and the player to navigate. I always found it difficult myself on centering UI items on the screen, and I usually found the best way to do this was from the layouts. However, I found it difficult for the screen size being changed and the GUI going weird at times. This is why I suggest going into a route that CSS takes with creating a grid.



What are the plans if any for more concise and open communication between developers of tools like Rojo and Roblox? I’m one of the maintainers of Rojo and while we’ve been getting more clear communication from engineers over the last few months, it’s been off-platform and not strictly in an official capacity. Is there a future where developers of 3rd party tools are given a more proper seat at the table, so to speak, so that we can talk about things that impact us while the features are in development rather than just being given notice by an engineer if they happen to know how to contact us/want to?

Also, I know that this is violating the rule for multiple questions per response but hopefully you’ll forgive me: Would it be possible to have more concrete release schedules for things in the future? It’s difficult to respond to weekly updates as-is, but when things are announced and happen either days or months later it makes it stressful for everyone.


We don’t currently have plans to allow for this. Our philosophy is that users should not have to worry about these details. Roblox will automatically pick the ideal lighting based on a user’s device and various other factors.

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Great question – we’re scoping it out and building it right now. We’d love to hear what you’d like to see included.

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Is there any chance we will ever get a skybox update? Skybox as it is right now is not very customisable. Here is a nice thread stating changes that could be added: Skybox Overhaul

Another thing that would be nice is an update to water. Water hasn’t been updated for a longgggg time (Not including the shorelines beta). And it would be nice to see water AND TERRAIN get an update. Here is another nice thread: Overhaul Smooth Terrain Water