Creator Spotlight: HDFrisk on Producing Fun Simulators With The Gang

This makes this creator broken spotlight even funnier. AI is good, and can help alot in tons of tasks, but this guys not even tried to make good AI thumbnail. FFF tier awarded.

Maybe they tried to use this spotlight to catch some attention and advertise themselves? :thinking:


Nope. Only DEVELOPERS use DEVFORUM. NOBODY, is crazy enough to use here for advertizement.

(I believe, could be wrong,) these are mainly to provide insight to your game and development process and give tips to smaller developers to create and grow their own games. But every spotlight I’ve seen is just the generic “plan out your game” stuff I’ve seen 30 times before.

My advice to developers is to make a game you would play yourself. Probability states that you are a sane human being, meaning you will attract sane human beings to your game, and actually enjoy playing it with people. You’ll also notice… ISSUES! You probably won’t even need to hire testers, If you’re playing your own game and having fun and you notice that the hitboxes suck, that’s what you’re gonna change next. (I’m talking to you, Blue Lock Rivals, I better not catch you on a creator spotlight)

If you make a game just for others, especially younger players, you won’t enjoy playing it, you won’t enjoy developing it, and your players will grow out of it. (Like what happened here)


They created over 40 games, and only one of them (Strongman Simulator) was a real success. HDFrisk may not fully understand the Roblox user community. :sweat_smile:

The entire studio revenus relies on this game and the differents brand partnerships, he seems more like a businessman than a true developer.


This spotlight has made it truly apparent that Roblox is very out-of-touch with games that the community actually likes.

It isn’t just the game, it’s the genre. Simulators are generally not unique and have the same systems/repetitive gameplay to where they become very unfun, they tend to have a burst of popularity and immediately die.


“Fun” is certainly a choice word here.


I just wanted to say this has been very informative and it’s great to see the insights of some of Roblox’s most gifted producers.
I, myself am a fellow spreadsheets fan, commonly spending a solid 15 minute a day just doing random things in Google Sheets.
I made sure to follow HDFrisk on Roblox and the Gang on twitter, and I’m excited to see what you do next.

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It’s the right word though, fun is what 3 million loyal supporters would also use.



Good games? :x:
Cash grab brainrot? :white_check_mark:

I do not like the direction Roblox is going when it comes to homepage games


Don’t bother replying to them they are a baiter/troll.

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I absolutely love when Roblox puts up predatory slop onto a pedestal as if its inspirational to look at how yet another team on this website made yet another simulator game with bright colors, intrusive advertisements for gamepasses, and basically promotes gambling towards a younger audience.


Pretty sure they were being sarcastic.

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They have a history of making posts/responses like this. I believe they are replying to me because I called them out for it in the past.


Yeah, sarcasm. You should be more concerned about agentphilip.


Wow! Simulators! How innovative!

Calling this person a creator is a stretch. I suggest spotlighting actual creators who have pushed the boundaries of game design on Roblox. There is no point spotlighting someone who makes games from basic YouTube tutorials available to everyone. I suggest taking a look at ACTUAL games, such as Deepwoken, HOURS, and Oaklands, just to name a few.

As previously stated by others, putting this low-effort regurgitated slop on a pedestal is incredibly offensive to those of us who have continually pushed boundaries, innovated and have dedicated immense amounts of time to making a game.


I am disappointed. Is this what creator spotlights have come to?


Is it just me or does the entirety of this Creator Spotlight feel like it was made because of the fact that this “Gang” created an IKEA sponsorship game?

Aside from that, you could of chose anyone else to be in the Creator Spotlight and you chose @HDFrisk of all people? Oh wow, he created a group of Roblox developers that eventually turned into a real company.

I got nothing against the guy and I know how impressive it can be for one game developer to achieve that sort of success but simulator games have been rinsed and repeated so many times to the point where I can create one myself and get thousands of little kids to gamble inside of it.

This Creator Spotlight just feels like a missed opportunity that could of been used to actually promote a good game developer (one that created something of quality and passion with their own ideas) instead of another game developer who created yet another generic simulator game (or two).


I am so happy that everyone is calling out everything about this horrendous post.

Both calling out Roblox for putting the spotlight on such a low quality shovelware “developer” to pick, and the “developer” themself for creating nothing but functionally identical slop (off of what I believe was a free model base to begin with)

I pray that OP stays in the naughty corner until they think about what they’ve done.


absolutely disgusting, the fact that this predatory mobile game crap is what the platform is choosing to spotlight over anything else is completely appaling to me and really doesn’t inspire any confidence; i would pick any bargain bin wii game over whatever the hell this is


in fact, this post would only inspire the confidence in lazy cashgrab devs to produce even more cheap copy-and-paste slop like this. because roblox still cares about them more than most underground, innovative high quality games that are barely making it to the front page. the gaming industry would only taunt roblox for this. and we are here, the honest, skilled devs with good faith and several years of experience, to fight the pure EVIL plaguing this platform by pushing the limits of the game’s engine.

“fun”, “simulator” and “talent” are imprecise, overused terms in roblox’s metaverse. their next official post should be all about proper definition of these words. but i’m gonna keep low expectations, because it will never happen.

there is no real talent behind creating “simulators” on roblox dot com.