Creator Store Seller Onboarding Now Open!

Please don’t remove the ability to pay with robux, it’s gonna end badly for the Creator Marketplace, this also hurts young developers (such as myself) from being able to buy or sell plugins, i’ll be MASSIVELY dreading April 8th.

Further more, i think it’s unfair to kill off a ton of plugins just because there still priced in robux, as some plugin owners either don’t know about this change or have stopped developing in roblox.

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I feel like Roblox dosn’t want to support young developers anymore.


This is terrible. Some of us creators can’t just spend our parents money on stuff.


Say what you want, it may be unfortunate that some developers can no longer use Robux to purchase plugins, but this is a step in the right direction by making transactions direct, help keep in line with the industry and to respect developers who pour hours into maintaining these plugins.

A pay-what-you-want system would be great to have but otherwise I can’t imagine spending so much of my time working on a plugin only for it to be free or cost less than a chocolate bar. Plugins can be important components of development, saving many hours of development time that someone has already ran the mile to do. This is a needed culture shift in Roblox, from both the platform and plugin users, to respect plugin developers by paying an appropriate amount. Plugins can (and should) fetch large prices - you can find plugins worth hundreds of dollars on the Unity Store for example.

Even then, there’s too much doomposting in this thread acting like this is the end of the world for novice developers - it’s not. There’s nothing stopping a plugin developer from making a plugin open source but you have to assemble it yourself to use it and get updates while developers paying for the plugin get express support and features.

Plugin developers don’t deserve to be earning pennies for enormous time investments on helping improve the developer experience. USD pricing is not going to be for everyone and that is ok, but Robux or forced free plugins is not healthy for developer culture on Roblox.


I am extremely disappointed and against this change. I understand that Roblox is maturing as a platform and that’s great. USD as a payment method is honestly an amazing change and will benefit a lot of people. However, removing Robux as a payment method is a horrible decision that will hurt many of those who rely on it. Why is it not possible to give us a choice? We should be able to sell our products for what we want to sell it for, be it Robux, USD, or both. I understand the benefits of USD, however Robux also has its benefits. Why should we reap the benefits of only one and not Both? Yes, its true that Robux has much higher tax than USD, but if we as the developer agree and acknowledge this why are we not allowed to choose to use Robux as the payment method? All of this also applies to SubscriptionService.

What investigating is there to do? Robux as a payment method is used almost everywhere on the platform. It’s not something obscure that you need to go looking for under every rock. If you truly wanted to keep the Creator Store accessible to as many creators as possible you would offer both Robux AND USD. Removing Robux is making it less accessible for many creators. Please show us you care, don’t tell us.

If USD was an additional payment method and not a replacement for Robux this would have been an amazing change. However, as it is right now this is a massive downgrade than an upgrade. The Creator Store accessibility is being blocked by a massive wall which you Roblox put up yourself by removing Robux as a payment method.

With the amount of negative feedback and lack of change, it honestly seems like Roblox just does not care. Acknowledging negative feedback is not the same as addressing it. Please Roblox show us you care and reconsider this change by allow us to have a choice between Robux, USD, or both.


Roblox will rethink it once they see they are losing money.
But there will likely be damage from it… and can not be repaired/recovered.

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I am noticing a slow push towards the removal of Robux. The concept of using real-world currency is a nice change, however, I suspect it will push up prices as people read the numbers differently.

The amount of people I’ve seen complaining that “Roblox doesn’t support young developers” even though it is completely up to the plugin developer to price their work…

Someone’s worked hard on a tool that will save you hours of time and work, so the least you can do is pay them well.

Roblox is marketed towards younger developers, but you don’t need high-quality plugins to create games while you’re just starting off. There will still be plenty of free plugins out there.

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man, this is quite unfair because my moderation history was quite literally just some blood particles in which are open for use widely on toolbox

its bad, so bad, i hate this because im in russia and I literally won’t be able to buy plugins and any models that will be useful to me in the future for robux, even if I can buy, it’s still a big problem because I don’t want to spend my real money instead of robux, which I can spend at any time, and I even I will not be able to classify myself as a seller because I have fulfilled almost all the requirements, but I am not 18 years old or older! If I didn’t understand something correctly, please explain it differently because I don’t understand English very well.


yay :smiley: :+1:

Снимок экрана 2024-03-05 203013


While on one side I do see this as a good change, people getting rewarded for their work in actual cash is nice, however

This kinda feels like a stretch. (flashback to the great audio purge… :angst:)

I do understand that this change is with good heart, but… How can I explain this, some plugins that are nowadays still used (and sometimes newly purchased) aren’t updated anymore due to whatever factor may be at play, so what’s gonna happen to those?

Why exactly was this decision made? Feels like I might run into the situation of finding some old plugin that solves one timely task, priced at say 500 or so R$, only to then find that the thing is no longer available because the creator for it has long gone inactive and wasn’t able to convert it into USD pricing…

Then, limiting the option to exclusively USD…
While yes, this is a good update for people that want to actually get rewarded for their work on the platform, I do feel like this could become a roadblock for some younger developers, who don’t always have the availability of parents willing to let them use their cash, maybe having to rely on doing certain tasks for robux, or people in some specific countries, like Russian developers currently being in a very tight squeeze due to the sanctions (reference the post right above me from @KittUnix).

I do hope that this entire month of wiggle room and the feedback being given CAN possibly give this update a little more glimmer of hope? But this entire thing seems to have a VERY divided opinion.

But well, for the people that can’t wait to sell their plugins for USD, get that well deserved bag, whoever you may be.


Cool, so I can no longer sell plugins, ever. Great update, will make sure not to use it


Not trying to bring politics here, but sanctions are sanctions and Stripe being unavailable in Russia is a sign of them at work. Roblox is a US-based company (Stripe is Irish), so it’s basically impossible for Russians to access markets there.

Brazil is the confusing part for me, so I hope Stripe has plans to launch there.


With all due respect the reason

Is extremely stupid, Roblox could easily make it so the robux needed to buy the plugin would be the same amount in usd. For example a plugin cost $1 so the player would need to spend 100 robux to get it (or you could make it be enough so even after the 30% cut they would still get 100 robux)

So if someone makes a plugin that changes how we used to do things but is under 18 then they are forced to just give it away for free?

Or… just hear me out… you Automatically convert the price to usd… But seriously what about plugins from developers that left the platform?

I’d love to sell models for robux AND usd but that would require Roblox to create more protection from model theft (also the solution can’t be to make all models in a game that are private invisible like y’all did for the audio update)

I’m not against developers making money off of their work but the way y’all are doing it is incredibly stupid. One of the reasons people develop on Roblox is because its “free” this update just makes it harder for younger people to buy plugins unless they have a card. (Also this problem could have easily been solved if you removed the damn fee /s)


Crazy how upset people are to be taxed less, hey guys i have an idea lets go fish that tea out of the water and put it on that boat!


I think we should use Robux for everything on the ROBLOX platform. Can Robux be purchased for real money anyway? This update makes no sense. Do not force USD.

  1. ID Verification

I have no problem with this, I already verified my own account, but this is too much for an plugin, stripe verification, roblox verification. This is just a plugin.

  1. Minimum amount too high

Some plugins offer 150 robux, $5 is a very high amount for the lowest amount.

It won’t be good for plugins that old developers forgot about.


What are the “supported countries”? I’ve seen some people disagreeing with that

Roblox wants to use Stripe, a third-party payment company. Stripe only supports some countries not all of them, so only some developers living in those supported countries will be able to create a seller account.