CreeperCLI 2 - A linker for Roblox

CreeperCLI - 2

Please read through the Github page since it is easier to update and read.

What is it?

Have you ever wanted to push your script files from your computer to Roblox Studio directly?
Well with CreeperCLI, you can do that. It’s extremely simple, and it’s easier to use than Rojo.

Supported FileTypes

  • *.lua -----------------> ModuleScript
  • *.server.lua ------> Script
  • *.client.lua ------> LocalScript
  • *.json ----------------> ModuleScript
    (JSON files will try to automatically be converted to modules.)

How do I use it?

It’s really simple. You can use any text editor you like (even Notepad).
Follow a few steps and you’ll be right on track!


  • Get the CreeperCLI plugin from the Roblox Creator Store.
  • Get the latest release of the .exe file. By going to the Releases tab. (Or from the source code)


  • Create an empty folder
  • Put the .exe inside (or use environment variables).
  • Create a new game folder.
  • Run the .exe first.
  • Open the plugin from the Plugins tab, and click Connect.


Attempting to connect the plugin before running the server will result in an error.

Disconnect vs. Connected:


Game / Tree / Root

CreeperCLI uses a tree sort of interface. The same way that the Roblox Explorer does.
The game folder is the starting of the tree, or the root.
Any folders or scripts you add in here, will be translated to folders and scripts in Roblox Studio.
Hence if I wanted to put a script inside of ServerScriptService, I’d need to setup my tree like this:

  -- ServerScriptService
      - Hello.server.luau
It would get translated to this in studio:



If you spell a folder or file incorrectly, it will not line up correctly with in-game folders.
CreeperCLI will create a new folder for any name it cannot find.

Have fun creating, and also report any issues on the Issues tab.



UI Showcase video:


That’s nice. I like that it is simple. If I didn’t have all the Rojo things set up for scripting, I would have used it. And by the way, the UI is, as always, top tier.

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