Crew's Badge Hangout!

Crew’s Badge Hangout!

Here you can find a list of badges, the update log, and more!

Update Log
May 22- Added: 3 ABC Badges, 5 Splendidly Badges, 2 Milestone Badges, and 1 Player Badge

Badge List

71 Badges In Total
40 Player badges
7 Super Badge Collectors Badges
5 Badgers Of Robloxia Badges
5 Vex Badges
4 Crew’s Name Snipes Badges
3 ABC Badges
5 Splendidly Badges
2 Milestone Badges

Contributors & Other Groups


@crew1O1 - Owner and Builder and Scripter
@splendidspy2435 - Co-Owner
@Oceanest - Admin and Donator
@MikeAnimeOtaku17 - Admin
@xKorl - Clothing Designer
@triisflame - Clothing Designer
@MrDerpSavage - Clothing Designer and GFX Artist
@NoahG59 - Homestore Owner and Owner Of Vex
@ThatFrenchGamer - Donator
@NitroIord - Scripter and Owner Of SBC
@ShadowOblivionX - Owner Of BoR
@Ollieg3 - Owner Of ABC

Other Groups

The SBC Community - Roblox
Awesome Badge Collectors - Roblox
Crew's Name Snipes - Roblox
Badgers of Robloxia - Roblox
Splendidly. - Roblox
The Vex Mercenaries - Roblox

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