Crimson Periastron MU's Particles show as Grey instead of red on bodyshot view

It seems as if an issue with how the preview handles particles leaves many items including Crimson Periastron Mu as an example having white particles with the color only showing if it overlaps with the avatar. This was previously not an issue and every sparkle would always display its intended color.

This issue effects gears and hats that are very valuable as well with a good example being Illumina an item currently worth 966,907 Robux that sold for 1.5 Million Robux in January.


Expected behavior

All types of effects applied to items such as sparkles,. fire, etc. should be displayed correctly in the 2D Bodyshot render.


Also having this issue with all of my gears. It appears to affect anything with transparency, including transparent hats like The Ice Crown & items with particles like Frozen Horns of the Frigid Planes.


Aforementioned, this is a duplicate:

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Oh interesting, I didn’t realize that The Ice Crown and particle items look weird for the same exact reason, but I guess it makes a lot of sense.

In any case, it seems like there are multiple threads duplicating this bug report, including the very detailed one above and this one where an official ticket was created:

It seems like fixing this transparency issue will understandably take some time. However, it would be nice to get an update/confirmation that this is a high priority for them. It affects hundreds of items as opposed to just one.