Crispy Chicken Rules and Guidelines

Crispy Chicken Rules and Guidelines

In-game Rules (Click to open)

Junior Fryer to Staff Assistant (LR) are not required to use grammar in-game.
Supervisor to Vice President (MR, HR, SHR) are required to use grammar in-game.

You must abide by Roblox Terms of Services, with this said… if you purchased a donation and we give you a rank as a thank you, you are required to follow the rules stated on this document further down in order to not get fired and lose access to your rank, same goes with normal HRs. Raiders are allowed as long as they are not NSFW, so do not kick them unless they spam bypassed rude stuff.

Do not troll our cashiers or workers, doing so will result in 3 warnings, 1 kick and then a ban if continuing.

You are not allowed to self advertise or talk about other groups in-game.

Kitchen Guidelines (Click to open)

In the kitchen it can be hard for new people to understand what to do, this guideline is here to help you, you could also ask people in-game for help.

To cook chicken there’s 3 ways, grilled, fried, and oven baked.
To fry chicken you click in the fridge on a chicken piece, you walk up to the fryer near it and you just touch it and then it gets cooked. Same goes with an oven baked, you click on a chicken, walk up to the oven and then it gets cooked. To make grilled chicken you pick up a chicken and touch it on the grill. To add sauce to items you hold the item and then touch the sauce which is located nearby.

To make soda you first pick up a cup and then touch whatever flavour you want.

To make ice cream you pick up the cone and then touch the ice cream flavour the customer wants, and then the customer can use the add on outside the kitchen to get more stuff on it.

You are not allowed to point cheat by giving food to random people or your friends many times, the max item is 3 per order, do not try to bypass this or find a loophole in the system, you will be demoted for breaking these rules.

Shift Rules (Click to open)

The purpose of shifts is to get more people in-game to work if they want and they are hosted by HRs.

Rules for shifts are that there can only be one per hour, there can’t be 2 at the same time, a shift can last a minimum of 30 minutes to 1 hour, you are not allowed to leave if you are the HR that hosted the shift if it hasn’t gone 30 minutes yet. This means that if you are not gonna go in the game you can’t host a shift! Shifts are announced on the group shout.

Free Admin Rules (Click to open)

You are not allowed to hat yourself items that give you tools in your inventory or char yourself as someone that has it, same goes with making yourself extremely big by experimenting with R15 anthro or charing yourself as someone who is much bigger than usual. You are therefore not allowed to be bigger than a normal R15 in a :size me 2. Punishments for this will be a warning, a kick and then a ban, same goes with anything that breaks the game or disturbs other people too much.

HR Rules (Click to open)

As a HR you are required to follow the following rules:

You must use grammar in game at all times, you should always be respectful to people and not be toxic.

Commands that are NOT allowed:
;give - [NOT ALLOWED]
;tools - [NOT ALLOWED]
;music - [NOT ALLOWED]
;slock - [NOT ALLOWED]
;unslock - [NOT ALLOWED]
;speed - [NOT ALLOWED]
;god - [NOT ALLOWED]
;ungod - [NOT ALLOWED]
;play - [NOT ALLOWED]
;give - [NOT ALLOWED]
;fly - [NOT ALLOWED]
;unfly - [NOT ALLOWED]
;jumppower -[NOT ALLOWED]
;time - [NOT ALLOWED]
;volume - [NOT ALLOWED]
;pitch - [NOT ALLOWED]
;vol - [NOT ALLOWED]
;stopsound - [NOT ALLOWED]

Commands that ARE allowed:
;respawn - may be used to respawn someone who glitched into restricted places like kitchen area [ALLOWED]

;res - same as respawn [ALLOWED]

;kick - may be used after 3 warnings has been given to a troller, or can be used to kick an exploiter [ALLOWED]

;admins - may be used to check admins [ALLOWED]

;chatlogs - may be used to check chatlogs for investigations [ALLOWED]

;logs - may be used to check admin logs [ALLOWED]

;pm - may only be used if needed, etc if you wanna talk to your friend privately, you may not use :pm all or use it to annoy people [ALLOWED]

;to - you may tp to people if needed but don’t overuse it too much by teleporting to random people etc or annoying them with it [ALLOWED]

;bring - may only bring people with their permission [ALLOWED]

;view - may be used to view if someone is suspected of point cheating to spy on them as an example, same goes with exploiters [ALLOWED]

;unview - to stop viewing them [ALLOWED]

;refresh - may be used to refresh people who are glitched with their permission, may not be abused [ALLOWED]

;ref - same as refresh [ALLOWED]

;name - allowed on yourself only [ALLOWED]

  • Finally, as a HR if you use restricted commands, abuse group shout, being inactive (for 2 weeks or longer) you can get fired, you automatically agree to these guidelines as a HR.

For inquiries concerning these rules contact RiotLockdown.