Critical: Cannot open any Studio Place or Join any Game


As of this morning I’ve lost the ability to join Games and to load Places within Studio - the above image depicts what occurs when you attempt to join a game.

The events that led to this started with Two Engine Updates (Client & Studio) which then followed with the inability to load any game/place

This morning I was also prohibited from even playing a Game within Studio as it led to an immediate crash - I am led to believe that result derives from this


Go to windows cmds and run as admin… then type

Ipconfig / flushdns

Then restart your pc and try it out.

Btw this is a roblox issue but doing this should work.

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its happening to me too, must be a connection error with roblox on their side

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Can also confirm, cannot join any games + getting reports from players being unable to join any games.

Does not seem to be a player specific issue.


Yep, the same is happening to me. I thought it was an issue with my games, then I tried to join Bloxburg to no avail. Though, it says my friends are playing.

Does anyone know what’s going on?

This just happened to me twice. I just clicked on servers and joined one of them and then it worked for me.

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it probably isnt affecting players already in game

i shouldve left the game on

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This only works on Windows, but Mac users are being affected. It’s a Roblox issue.

That could be the case, but I was in my game when my computer suddenly went haywire and Roblox was on in the background, but I couldn’t see the app open. Could be a coincidence though.

Perhaps it’s a delay, similar to how you can see a false amount of players with a game’s info, but the amount of people in the server is different. Though some people say they can play. So we just don’t know for sure yet.

Roblox status says all systems are operational. Never seen this before.

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i have this one web browser extension that shows live play count and you are right, it isnt 0 but way lower its at 200 and i refreshed roblox and something is definetly up

(nevermind it was just my browser loading)


seems to be fixed

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Nevertheless, something is going on. I checked Downdetector and I believe there are now 2000+ reports.

Like I said, we’ll find out soon enough. I’m gonna go try to join something again.

Going to resolve this now, I’m going to assume that Roblox didn’t update their newer servers before updating everyone else so there were version-conflicts.

Very-temporary but lost a time could’ve spent working :frowning:

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This is what I found on Error 610:

It just seems to be a bug on Roblox’s side.

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Is anybody having problems getting some players data in the datastore after this problem? Two players are always returning nil in my test servers, including in my backups. I always keep at least 10 backups and they cannot be erased before they have more than 1 month. Both players were on the test server ~10 days ago and had their data, so they should have good backups in place. They never rejoined the game. Yesterday, I was checking them in the datastore editor and discovered the loss before I found out about this thread and the problem a lot of players were having.

Sometimes their servers for certain regions go down for a bit. This isn’t really major bug or anything, and most websites/services go down for short periods of time as well.

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