[CRITICAL] Impossible to open studio

Reproduction Steps

I am unable to open any games within studio, in any way. Try opening any game

Expected Behavior

The game to open in studio from website or studio itself

Actual Behavior

Screenshot 2022-09-13 082807

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Connectivity
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-13 00:09:00 (+08:00)


I am currently on macOS and since today I am totally unable to open Studio at all. Not sure if this is the same error/bug but this is critical.


Didn’t want to mark it as critical as people get ultra aggressive about it

What do you mean by that?
If users aren’t able to open studio, then it is pretty much critical since you can’t do anything…

Or maybe this is just for me and you I don’t know.

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Hey. This needs to marked critical. I can’t open Studio either.


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cc @Pizza64X
Ok marked critical


CC @NarcissixtFear @Pizza64X “Critcal” does not do anything. It’s not hooked up to anything. It hasn’t done anything for years, and it doesn’t increase priority in any way; “impossible to open studio” is already descriptive enough to raise correct priority. Please avoid polluting thread titles with tags like this. Title them descriptively instead, i.e. “Impossible to open team create games”. What you had is fine also.

For a workaround can you try disabling team create? Or is this a game wherein you do not have permission or practical reason to do that.


I just said it was critical, not that marking it as “CRITICAL” does anything

I just cannot open Studio at all. Tried reinstalling, checking logs, etc. nothing is working…

This occurs in every game, regardless of TC or not.

Does it still give an error? It may have been resolved now as I cannot replicate it.

Still broken for me on any place

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Are you able to open the studio app?
Or is it studio in general.

We have 2 members of our team experiencing this problem. Strangely it seems to work fine for most of us.

They receive this error most of the time when opening Places:


When they don’t receive that error, it just hangs.

Opening studio via the app works. It’s opening places that does not work

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Perhaps it has to do with the studio version you’re on.

This is mine, and it works fine.

On the same one

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I’ve had this bug happen once before, and it seems like it just goes away on its own eventually. Reading previous posts on the DevForum, this appears to be the only way people have resolved it. Have you tried rebooting your computer?

Thanks for the report, our engineering team is actively investigating.

@lexandstuff Do you have the profile links for the other two team members impacted?


I only experience this in Team Create, and since you cannot disable Team Create until you have physical access to the game, I can still access Studio and the app as usual; however, I am unable to launch any of the games I am currently working on. Rebooting your computer and wifi or reinstalling Studio make no difference, opening the game or the studio on different accounts also does nothing either.

EDIT: I am also unable to launch any game, it gets stuck on a infinite loop of Retrying.

Thanks for the report. We are investigating.