[CRITICAL] (Mixamo?) Animations Broken

Hey, so I’m not sure if anyone else can re-create this issue…

So I was just working on one of my games and I noticed that anything with an animation had just broke, as soon as the animation was loaded the; model it was loaded too is set to an outrageous position due to “hip height mismatch”

I have not touched these animations, they were working fine about 10 minutes ago. I have noticed that this only applied to Mixamo imported animations (could be wrong, but it seems to be that way)

Image of Animation Editor when I import the animation, says the Hip Heights don’t match.

Image of Studio, with outrageous position.

As I said, I haven’t touched these animations, re-uploaded them or anything like that

TL;DR: (Mixamo?) Animations are broke


Almost 50% of my animations are broken on every game suddenly. They will TP all your body parts to thousands of studs away and then back once the animation is over.

So yeah this is probably the same bug.


This broke most of our emotes in our game Arsenal, these are monetized features so I hope this gets fixed really quick


This needs to be fixed asap, It literally makes my game unplayable.


This needs to be fixed asap, It make my game unplayable.


@Wonuf, the latest update that caused this should be rolled back. Please restart studio and verify that you aren’t encountering this problem anymore. And if you are able, could you please provide me with a place file where this error is occurring for you so that we can investigate what the issue was?

Thank you


This seems to be fixed now, thank you! I’ll let you know if I encounter any further issues

I’m still having this bug.

My character disappears every time I play an action animation.


@wpled Would you be able to provide me with a place file that reproduces this so I can investigate? It’s likely that what you are experiencing isn’t related this bug in this post, since the feature causing it has been turned off. However, I would still like to pinpoint what’s happening.

A couple of my friends and I were still having an animation bug after the rollback. After waiting a little bit, Everything seems to work fine now. I don’t know if you still a place file since it seems it was related to this post.

@wpled Ah, yes if you can provide one I would appreciate it. It can still be used to debug the feature quickly.

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