This has occurred to me as well, it stops loading past a certain point or doesn’t load at all.
In my case I’ve isolated this code snippet which I use for my front end to get text bounds and it now yields indefinitely for some reason:
local getTextBoundsParams ="GetTextBoundsParams")
-- ... setting params
local family = fontFace.Family
family = string.gsub(family, " ", "")
local fontURL = ("rbxasset://fonts/families/%s.json"):format(family)
services.ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({fontURL}) -- now yields indefinitely
local textBounds = services.TextService:GetTextBoundsAsync(getTextBoundsParams)
Its happening to my game as well.
I currently fixed this by just shoving the preload to the bottom and making a skip button. However the fact that the preload function is broken is a huge concern obviously.
This has also occurred to me, which is interesting.
Ignore this horrible code, I wrote it like 3 years ago probably in the middle of the night and never looked back bc it worked
local preload = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("preload"));
local later = {};
local loadLst = {};
for key,tex in pairs(preload) do
loadLst[tex] = false;
for i = 1,#preload do
later[i] = preload[i];
for key,tex in pairs(preload) do
loadLst[tex] = true;
if(doSkip) then
Can also vouch for this happening to me too, even in studio.
function LoadSounds()
local AllSounds = {}
local SoundNames = {};
local function RecurseGet(CurrentTable: {any}, SubsetName: string)
for Index, Val in CurrentTable do
if typeof(Val) == 'table' then
RecurseGet(Val, `{SubsetName or "MAIN://"}/{Index}`)
elseif type(Val) == 'number' then
table.insert(AllSounds, `rbxassetid://{Val}`)
table.insert(SoundNames, `{SubsetName or "?"}<br></br> '{Index}'`)
local AssetNumber = 1
local function PreloadLabelUpdate(AssetId: number, AssetFetchStatus: Enum.AssetFetchStatus)
LoadingLabel.Text = "{<br></br>"..` Loading...<br></br> {SoundNames[AssetNumber]}<br></br> ({AllSounds[AssetNumber]})`.."<br></br>}"
AssetNumber += 1
local PlayingSound = nil
for _, Sound in AllSounds do
if LoadingSkipped then
ContentProviderService:PreloadAsync({Sound}, PreloadLabelUpdate) --inf yield?
if PlayingSound then
PlayingSound =, "rbxassetid://", ""), SoundControl.newSoundParams())
if PlayingSound then
You should edit the title of this post to be more descriptive of the issue and additionally, remove “[CRITICAL]” from the title as this tag is no longer in use. Doing so should result in a faster response from engineers.
Something like “PreloadAsync infinitely yielding with fonts” would do.
The issue might just be related to this:
Our engineers are investigating into this issue
We are still investigating into this issue
For now, a temporary way to allow players to continue into the experience is to implement a skip loading screen button
I’m also having issues with odd client-to-server bugs at the same time, including frozen intro menus and player outfits being duplicated to other players.
Was there any information regarding any recent updates that could’ve impacted or caused this?
So far this specific issue seems to be related to ContentProvider:PreloadAsync()
I’d recommend making a new bug report regarding the duplicated outfits
This issue is critical and needs to be resolved ASAP. Popular games are affected and unplayable. Any experience that uses ContentProvider:PreloadAsync()
without a skip button appears to be unplayable. This is particularly impacting one of my favorite games, rendering it unplayable. The problem seems to have arisen after the latest Roblox client update.
Bump, can verify. PreloadAsync yielding indefinitely for audio assets loaded by asset string.
I have made a bug post regarding the player outfit’s issue, as an experience I work on has the same issue Recent update breaks clothing on Server & Client avatars when using dynamic heads
It features a workaround which may help with your problem though I’m not sure if its 100% the cause of it
Update for this issue, engineers have identified a potential cause and a mitigation has been made. Please let us know if you or your player base is still encountering the issue
I got a bug report about an hour ago of someone encountering this same issue in my game.
9 days later and it’s still happening.
My own, Guts & Blackpowder. The loading will occasionally still get stuck on loading animations, or meshes, or sounds, and the user will be forced to click skip loading to avoid being stuck on the loading screen forever.
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