I’m writing a new post, as this post is several months old, and nothing has been done about it, when I feel this is a serious bug atm, causing countless players to be unable to play Roblox.
Have you checked if the issue is also occurring with the Microsoft Store version of Roblox?
My friend was playing & streaming a Roblox game just this weekend and it was just flickering white every few seconds, the issue subsided after a restart but it was a bit strange.
I’m not gonna factory reset it, I’ve already spent hours getting it all setup. And I’m not returning it either, as it’s clearly not the devices issue, but Roblox’s itself
My Roblox has been crashing for the past 2 mont in the exact same way, I sent Bitdancer my crash dump recently and now they fixed it in v592 (ZSocialTeam)
Maybe this fixed it for you too so if you haven‘t yet atleast try that version (or wait a week till its officially out)