[CRITICAL] Team Create failing to connect to server

Reproduction Steps

Connecting to a game in which as Team Create enabled, unsure if it’s limited to certain games or individuals, however upon testing with friends, we all seem to have this issue.

Expected Behavior

I would expect team create to function properly, actions that developers do would replicate between the other studios/people within the teamcreate.

Actual Behavior

People within the team create are locked at the world center point (0,0,0), and they don’t move, etc… You can see them actually connected to the studio, however whatever actions they do won’t replicate between developers.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Connectivity
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-14 00:09:00 (-04:00)


I am having an issue like this, currently when I try to:

  • Save the game
  • Publish the game
  • Turn off team create

The game doesnt send it to the server and just loads forever:

(I am on WindowsOS)

Only thing that does work is actually load the game consistently.
Note, my game uses team create as well (it might have something to do with TC)

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Yes, publishing games with team create enabled also doesn’t seem to work properly. I forgot to mention that; thanks!

Going to move this to critical, seeing as I can’t work on any of my games, etc… Hopefully people won’t get mad at me for doing so.

Also confirmed my suspicion that this isn’t just me having this issue,

Our teams are investigating right now. Thanks for the report!


I can vouch this for a game that I have Team Create enabled in, it is stuck on “Sent message to server to publish” forever.


Also apparently, packages don’t work either? I mean, this package is completely up to date and I can’t enable the AutoUpdate property, let alone it wont prompt me to publish any changes I make to it.


Also commiting a script keep hanging forever.


Seems to be something much more recently; as just opening a studio from ~1:30PM EST I am still fine and able to publish.

Still no response for me.
After restarting roblox studio with task manager, it in fact did work!

Thanks for the reports. We are investigating now; please let us know of any change.


Everything for me is fixed now! After closing roblox studio with task manager and reinstalling roblox studio (running it as administrator).
Thanks for the support!

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That may be a solution for you, so please mention that the issue is not totally fixed for everyone. My friend and I have done it multiple times and it still has yet to be fixed.

We are aware and actively investigating. Please use the File > Download a Copy function and restart Studio immediately.