Criticism for my first person looter wave defense game

Hello everybody! About a month ago, me and a few of my friends decided to challenge ourselves by remaking the popular roblox game Decaying Winter, and to make it unique, make the mobs and items things from Deepwoken. I know it’s incredibly nerdy, but it actually turned out way better than I originally thought. But be warned, the game is no where near complete, so please don’t expect a perfect game.

For those of you who do not know of these games, Decaying Winter is a looter-shooter wave based survival game where you team up with a group of players and try to survive all ten waves. There are also a lot of fun mechanics that make it interesting, such as rare encounters in the map, as well as different endings you can achieve, which I think is pretty cool. Deepwoken on the other hand is an open world RPG game where you create a character and explore the world and fight monsters, pretty self-explanatory.

So, long story short, I’m putting myself out there. I want people to try to the game because I want to try to make it as good as me and my friends possibly can. If you have the time, I would love if you could try it and give any feedback you have about the game or report bugs if there are some. Thank you for reading this and thank you for your time if you play :smiley:

Here is the game:

PS: press M to toggle the controls menu and Z to free your mouse from first person.


Does anyone have any feedback or criticism for the game at all, or is it good in its current state and just needs more content?

Honestly, I can’t get anyplace here. I just keep getting killed. Finally found a sword and I still got killed. I hate to say anything bad about someone’s work after they put so much time into it. BUT, I want to live! :rofl:


Thank you for being honest! I received similar feedback from some other people as well, so I think I will definitely reduce the difficulty. I appreciate the feedback.

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If youre having trouble with your game I recommend checking out this tutorial:

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I have checked out the tutorial and read through, and I agree with almost everything he said. However, it’s not as much that I am having trouble making my game, but more I want to get the public opinion on its current state so I can improve it going forwards.

This is a cool looter wave defense game, as it does have some abandoned crossroads parts, but it’s better to put the warning for the storm 30 seconds before the storm comes and put a timer

[I came here because @KrimsonWoIf linked someone’s topic]

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The tutorial allows you to self evaluate the game. I will check out the game also tho and give feedback

Review: ??

The game is locked, I cant give feedback.

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I played, it’s not hard as a whole but progressing more than wave 3 is hard, sanity goes down slowly while sanity items appear everywhere, and health goes away easily as it’s impossible to dodge every single hit, but health items are rare.

Another thing I missed a lot was guns or any ranged weapon really.

Overall I had a lot of fun playing.

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that’s a good idea, I’ll put the storm warning before it comes in

it is only playable on computer right now, so that is probably why it was locked

Thanks a lot for this feedback! I have a few things to address about what you have said.

1 - I agree, sanity is not really a problem for the player right now and the items are super common. I plan on balancing this when I release the hotfix today.

2 - I just finished a play test a few days ago and also was like “where are the health items” lol, so I’ll definitely do that. I also plan on adding some more health items in the future to make it better as well.

3 - About ranged weapons, I do not plan on adding guns, but I do have a lot of ideas for other types of ranged combat I want to add, including maybe some ranged spell type moves, throwing axes, etc. There isn’t really anything ranged right now but I’m working on a few ranged options right now that will just take more time. Making ranged things is a lot harder than I thought, but I am aware of the need for ranged weapons.

4 - The difficulty. I am reducing the strength of enemies today slightly in the hotfix, so hopefully that should help, but the game is meant to be hardcore with a high skill cap and it is supposed to be multiplayer, so those also might be factors.

Overall, I’m glad you enjoyed the game and thanks so much for your time : D

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The difficulty is one of the coolest factors actually, I got jumpscared a few times with the enemy that explodes, and getting stunned after it with the screen barely able to see a thing other than blood feels like the explosion was in real life.

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