Criticism on my build

Hello! I’m Luitenantcolonol, a builder from the US. I’ve been doing building for about 2 years now, and I got this project where I have to build locations for a city, one being a gun store. I would just like some criticism on my build and if you could give a 1/10 sort of rating system at the end of your comment.

[NOTE] - I haven’t put the sign on the building yet.

Real Photo


My build



it is very great, but for my choice i will make the glass with the original roblox glass material and add some reflexion, and add surfaceappearance or textures to the rest of the building.

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Ok thanks for the feedback! I will definitely take that into consideration.

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Very nice but compared to the real life version, the facade part needs to be a bit taller.

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Woah almost exact, all it needs is the parking lot and the sign. Good job!

It looks great! Maybe you should add a parking lot and some vehicles so it will look more realistic. If you were already planning on adding that, I would say it looks pretty identical!

For my job I was only asked to make the building.

Given the fact it was made in Studio and not a 3D model I’d say you did pretty nicely. I think you could have improved the red bits by adding slight detail to their design, In addition you can improve the coloring of the building also maybe have given us a side view like in the real picture. I do not know how the inside of the real store looks so I guess the empty state inside is intentional.

Over-all nicely made I’m also not aware of your full potential but as long as you are proud of your work, keep rocking.


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Thanks man I really appreciate that comment. I’ve really only started to get decent at building this year after I was taught the Ctrl D trick. I hope to make my builds more detailed and precise in the future, but I’m on a time restriction so I need to get my job done in order to get paid. But I really appreciate what you said. I hope to be hearing from you in the future on my builds.

Really cool and detailed! The only thing I’d suggest is add more lighting and make the textures a little smoother, that’s all good job bro! :slight_smile:


Slate, Cobblestone, and Diamond Plate are the worst materials by far, I usually put concrete in their place or a custom texture.

I didn’t put any of those materials that in my build if that’s what you were saying. Or were you just informing me? Because I used concrete for the majority of the exterior and cobblestone for some details.

Cobblestone was in your build.

Do I know you? I’m pretty sure I was in that Austrian group you were in. Thanks for the comment.


Amazing! Just add the parking lot and interior then it would be identical! 9/10!

Looks alright, look closely and you’ll see that you miss minor details. Instead of cobblestone, try using a texture that’d fit better.
Also… asking for a rating isn’t allowed on the forum. Hope this helped