Critique on Log Cabin?

Hey all - I’m certainly no builder but I am trying to get into a bit so I can be a tad more self sufficient. I’m rebuilding the map for The North Pole.

I’m looking for some input on my log cabin that I just put together. What can I change? How can I make it better?

All input appreciated! Thank you :slight_smile:


The build is very good! I would suggest if you brought down the window a bit…


Anyways it is very good! Keep it up and good luck on your game.


I was going for the appearance of it being a “loft” window (attic bedroom), which is why I put it so high. Do you think this is more fitting?


Yes it looks much better, as it is more visible, if you agree.


You might want to make the roof out of something else. I’ve never seen a log cabin where the roof is made from logs.

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Hmm, I see what you mean. I was taking inspiration from this:


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Some more windows on the sides

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Hey! The build is amazing! If I had to say something, I would say to make the door more of a square shape. The circular shape can be kept, but you should move the 2 ones at the bottom.56%20AM

But overall, the build is amazing! Great job!

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The way you stack the logs in the corner parts is a bit unusual. You wouldn’t be able to stack logs like that in real life. I would suggest altering the logs like so:

Reason being that in this case you could chop of some bits at the end of each log to stack the logs in an interlocking pattern. The logs would look a bit like this:


I would also give the door a door frame. A door requires hinges to open and by adding a door frame the hinges could be put on the frame instead of attached directly to the logs. It would probably also help a bit with isolation / keeping heat inside.

My final tip would be to play around with the colors a bit more. Having all logs be the same color can get monotone real quick. I would try different shades for the roof for example and see if you can find a nicely contrasting color.


I was going to say everything that Zomebody said above but as he already said it the only thing you should improve is the door, which looks too circular too me. As a extra thing for the enviroment, you can add snowfall. Keep up the good work!

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I honestly think it looks good, but as another commenter mentioned, the top window could be moved down a little bit. Overall, really beatiful trees and a very cute little log cabin.

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If you wanted to, you could add a chimney and change the log colour of the roof very slightly to give it more of a dark appearance by using the color wheel.

There already is a chimney. It is on the roof.

This looks really good, but still seems a bit bland. Potentially add little white parts in between the cracks to make it look like it has some mortar? It gives it a little bit more of a classic feel imo. I don’t have good photoshop skills to here’s the reference image:

Also adding a lower portion to the chimney so that it looks like it goes all the way down? Same as in the picture above, just with the same material that you originally built the chimney out of.