Croatian4K (Building, Modeling, GFX) ALWAYS OPEN!

About Me:

Hey, there! my name is Croatian4K I am a Roblox Builder and Modeler with a little over 3 years of experience. I also started to make video series where I go from 0-100,000 R$ by doing GFX and I have a bit of experience in that so I am offering that as a service to you!

Commission Sheet:


These are all base prices, as your task gets harder, the price will become higher!
I am willing to try everything even if it’s never done before. Once you order you will get added to the list it usually takes a week to complete the order. Please provide all details at the beginning, once you have paid for the commission I’m not going to add any more builds that are not provided before making an order. Everyone needs to pay upfront in case you end up wasting my time or you decline the order.
In case you will be rude and you already paid for your commission and I decide not to work with you anymore I am obligated to give you 50% of the paid commission back. Why not 100%? Because you were rude and wasted my time for nothing and that’s why I keep 50% of the payment. I also have the right to post your commission on any of my socials but if you don’t want me to tag you I won’t tag you.

Available Time:

I am available from the moment I wake up, till the moment I go to sleep.
(My timezone is GMT+1)


I will always check Twitter so you can DM me on Twitter: @Croatian4K
I am always on discord so you can contact me thereby sending me a friend request


(All payments are done upfront meaning you pay before I start working and then I put you on the list of waiting. sometimes maybe that’s the same day sometimes maybe it’s a week.)

PETS: 350R$+ (If your commission is harder price will be higher)
MAPS: 15,000R$+ (If your commission is harder price will be higher)
ICON: 500R$+ (If your commission is harder price will be higher)
THUMBNAIL: 1000R$+ (If your commission is harder price will be higher)

Any questions feel free to ask me down below!

Thank you so much for reading!


I always have an absolute blast working with him and he gets everything right every single time! He’s a developer with many talents, as well as a very outgoing friendly person. Croatian’s never failed to surprise me with his creativity and work ethic and I’d heavily recommend hiring him if you need high quality work done at affordable rates.

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Friended you. I am YashPopcorn#8292

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I saw your artwork on Twitter. Ever since, I have become an admirer of your artwork!

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willing to order! add me oMysti#8451

Hi Croatian! Do you happen to accept PayPal?

Sadly only R$ atm but maybe in future, I will open PayPal!

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can you make me UGC items???

Do you mean like UGC Concept? or?

yes like a modeled things like that

Sent a Friend Request. IDontKnow#5415

Didn’t get any friend requests from that user!

Don’t think I’m the right guy for this unless you want something like showed on my commission sheet in that case you can add me Croatian4K#9070 on discord!