Crop not spawning every 60 seconds

I have a crop spawner folder with numbered spawners 1-24 and I have a crop in replicated storage that needs to be cloned and put into workspace and I want every crop to spawn in 60 seconds. I also need a way to check if the crop had been harvested and needs to spawn again! Thank you for helping.

local crop_spawn = game.Workspace.Crop_Spawn:GetChildren()
local crop = game.ReplicatedStorage.Crops.Wheat

local canSpawn = true

for i, v in ipairs(crop_spawn) do
	if canSpawn then
		canSpawn = false
		local newCrop = crop:Clone()
		newCrop.Name = "Crop"
		newCrop.Parent = workspace
		newCrop.Position = v.Position

this code will only run once, maybe try making this a loop

you can use a combination of loops and events. The key is to keep track of whether a crop is present at each spawn point and to respawn it when it’s harvested.

Here’s an updated version of your script:

local crop_spawn_points = game.Workspace.Crop_Spawn:GetChildren()
local crop_template = game.ReplicatedStorage.Crops.Wheat

local spawn_delay = 60

local function spawnCrop(spawn_point)
    local newCrop = crop_template:Clone()
    newCrop.Name = "Crop"
    newCrop.Parent = workspace
    newCrop.Position = spawn_point.Position

    -- Listen for the crop being destroyed (harvested)
    newCrop.AncestryChanged:Connect(function(child, parent)
        if not parent then
            -- Crop was destroyed, respawn after delay

local function initializeCrops()
    for _, spawn_point in ipairs(crop_spawn_points) do

-- Start the crop spawning process

I fixed it in a way simpler way by making a function called hasCropAtPosition and checks it all, it is kinda complicated but it was alot less lines of codes and works great! Thanks for the help tho.