Cross-platform keybinding and how to know current platform (Mobile PC Console)

Just wondering about proper methodologies for accomplishing keybinding for any platform, I have sample code that I havent fully tested but from delving into forum posts this seems to be the answer

One thing that seems ambiguous is determining what platform localplayer is currently on

--for console and pc
ContextActionService:BindAction("CheckActiveWASD", CheckActiveWASD, false,
		Enum.KeyCode.W, Enum.KeyCode.A, Enum.KeyCode.S, Enum.KeyCode.D, Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1)
		if humanoid.MoveDirection.X > 0 then 
		elseif humanoid.MoveDirection.X < 0 then

		if humanoid.MoveDirection.Z > 0 then 
		elseif humanoid.MoveDirection.Z < 0 then



I don’t know why but this sort of thing seems ambiguous, mysterious, unknown and different solutions seem to exist??? from what i’ve read, thumbstick1 doesnt work for mobile so a user suggested to use the vector from humanoid :person_shrugging:

this seems to be a better method for mobile

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local ControlModule = require(LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerModule"):WaitForChild("ControlModule"))

while true  do
	local currentDirection = ControlModule:GetMoveVector()

Don’t base it on platform, base it off of InputType. Players can play on a laptop that has touchscreen or play on a phone with a Bluetooth controller.

Here’s my code on how to distinguish InputType. I also mention some issue with said code/implementation:

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