Hi! I’m a new developer so I don’t have a vast knowledge on scripting so please keep your replies simple for me. Thanks
I’m making a game that implements stealth crouching. I’m currently copying the script from How do I make a idle crouch and walking crouch animation play?
(just for now, I’m going to make it work later but that’s not the issue at hand here) and when I actually move, The crouch animation mixes with my current walking animation and spits out this wiggle mess for me.
What priority do I set it to? I assumed movement but that didn’t change anything. You’d think i’d have to put it at a higher priority than my current walking animation. I’ll do some tinkering, see if I can figure it out.
Maybe I’m doing something wrong. Here’s my timeline of events. Imported the Animation into animation editor. Updated it to action. Exported the animation to overwrite the old animation in the video, copied the ID and pasted it into the script, and then it does the exact same thing.
here ya go:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local Animate
local Humanoid = player.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
if Key == “q” then
local Animation = Instance.new(“Animation”, player.Character)
Animation.AnimationId = “rbxassetid://5620856155”
Animate = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation)
if Key == “q” then
I tried with my own animation and works just fine.
(video upload is still bad)
I cannot use or edit your animation. Can you send it in a file?
Idk… like edit the animation with the random character dummy, and export the dummy into a file, and send it.
I think i know why now.
Since animation override happens with keyframes, not with whole animations. And if you leave bodyparts with no keyframes, then they will not be overriden.
And the LowerTorso is the “root” of the character’s body (2nd to the HumanoidRootPart)
Looks funky, but workable. Again, the biggest issue was that the LowerTorso was not keyframed, so the other animation wasn’t overriden. (hence the shaking)
Last question (I hope). How do I take that rbxm file and put it into roblox studio. Also where do I put it? Also, pretty obvious, how do I avoid this problem in the future?