Crowns of O’s Not Awarded Correctly

The Crowns of 0’s have been extremely low priority for roblox for years now (probably dating back since they removed the ability to award experience contributors the crown after it was abused)

I am not sure how they distribute the Crowns of 0’s to eligible users, But if it takes so long to distribute the Crown of 0’s they may as well discontinue it from the “Developer Awards”

Would be nice for an official response on the long wait times regarding the crowns since i know some people have waited 2+ years without receiving the crown.

I had emailed Developer Awards in the past (2021) and they did respond but I have no idea if they receive emails anymore, Roblox left us in the dark again

Thanks for the report! We are looking into it.


Thanks hopefully it gets fixed soon

I am still waiting for my crowns since 1-2 years at this point

Hey, will I be awarded any crown of O’s soon? I just hit 1m+ mau a bit ago, any update on these awards?

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I hit 100+ MAU on my game and I haven’t gotten it in months :frowning:

Yea idk about these crowns, a friend got one a couple months ago while i have probably emailed support / devawards more than 20 times in the last 3 years and still did not even get the golden one.