Central Roleplay - Unofficial Community Guidelines
Details regarding the un-ban and appeals process can be found here.
Please note this is not official. Unsure if it ever will be it’s just a basic understanding of the punishments that could be used which are subject to change at any point or the penalties may be longer or shorter depending on the severity.
- The Roblox Community Guidelines apply.
- Your account, your responsibilities. You won’t get unbanned because your “brother did it”.
- Ban times can be combined
- Evading a ban can result in the ban duration being doubled.
- If you have a total of 10 Moderation Actions against you, you will be perm banned which you can appeal above.
Moderation Notes
- Moderation has every right to issue any action against you for any reason that may or may not be listed here.
- Moderation has every right to issue a shorter or longer penalty which varies per case.
Level 1
Level 1 Violations are typically minor and pose minimal risk.
Offence | Description | Penalty |
Bypass / Vulgarity | Finding a way to use non-severe words that are filtered, or that should be. | 1 Day Ban after warning |
Spam * | Sending non-constructive messages with the sole intention of unnecessarily expanding the chat log. Non-social commands are exempt from this rule unless spamming them is problematic for other players. | Server Mute after warning |
Bootleg Moderating | Getting involved in fights to “try” to resolve them. Threatening users they will be banned, acting as staff, sending multiple reports for simple infractions. | 1 Day Ban after warning |
Mini-Modding * | Trying to enforce rules on others while a staff member is present. | 5 Hour Ban |
Advertising | Advertising in a way where intent to do so is minimal. Including Twitch/YouTube content that is not streaming CRP content. | Kick after warning |
Inappropriate Character | A player character not suitable for public witness | 3 Day Ban after warning |
Glitching * | Abuse of an unwanted flaw, malfunction, or irregularity in the game. Abusing bugs will fall under this punishment. | 3-7 Day Ban after warning |
Fail Roleplay | This varies on the moderator, If there is a content creator actively roleplaying and live streaming on a public server moderation team may enforce Roleplay within that server only for the duration of the live stream. This is typically not enforced by most staff | Kick after warning |
Level 2
Level 2 Violations are not taken lightly due to the severity of their content.
Offence | Description | Penalty |
Failure to comply with Staff | Not following the direct orders of a staff member. Not follow set terms of a staff member that has been set for a specific user. Not adhering to warnings or other messages from a staff member. | 1 Day Ban |
Failure to provide Privacy | Not allowing players to have their privacy when involved in a role-play event unless otherwise allowed. Not allowing players their privacy when they ask you to leave them alone. Interrupting a staff member during an investigation unless you were involved or needed immediate assistance. Following or tracking a staff/user in their vehicle or on foot… | 3 Day Ban |
Harassment/Bullying | Name Calling, verbally attacking users, stalking, intimidating, harassing, targeting players. | 3-5 Day Ban |
Offsite links | Posting any link in chat that is unapproved by Roblox but not inappropriate. | 3 Day Ban |
Severe Vulgarity | Finding a way to use severe words that are filtered, or that should be. | 3 Day Ban |
Threatening | Saying or promising the actions of s*xual acts or harm upon a user. | 3 Day Ban |
Level 3
Level 3 are violations that result in an instant ban without warning.
Offence | Description | Penalty |
Abusive Behaviour | Being excessively rude/abusive towards another person. | 5 Day Ban |
Malicious Threats | Making any type of serious threat towards someone. e.g. DDoS, Hack threats, Death threats | 14 Day Ban |
Hateful Content | Discriminating or offensive language/content targeted towards a particular group. E.g. racism, sexism, homophobia | 14 Day Ban |
Impersonation | Owning an account whose appearance, username, and/or behavior are promoted to impersonate. This includes but is not limited to, IRL Law Enforcement or government officials, in-game staff, and Roblox employee. | 10 Day Ban |
Offensive Links | Posting an offsite link that contains content unsuitable for children. | 20-30 Day Ban |
Exploiting | Use of unauthorized programs or exploits to inject or run unofficial code. This includes software to change a user’s performance or in-game experience. | 90 Day Ban and data wipe on the first instance. The second instance, no matter how old, will be a permanent ban |
Glitching Tutorial | Creating a video or online speech indicating the performance of an abusable or game-breaking glitch that is not tolerated. | 30 Day Ban and data wipe |
Level 4
Users who break a Level 4 rule will be permanently banned without warning and depending on where it happened depends if a report with RMT is filed.
Offence | Description | Penalty |
Troll Account | Any account under 30 days old and/or below level 3 breaking rules | Account Termination |
Scamming | Trying to compromise an account, or make real-life currency transactions with someone. | Account Termination |
Revealing Personal Information | Releasing a user’s real-life name, email, phone number, address, or any other legal real-life information. | Account Termination |
Inappropriate Username | A username not suitable for public witnesses. | Account Termination. Ban will be removed if the username is changed. |
Lagswitching | Purposely break connectivity to provoke unsynchronized events on objects and players. | Account Termination |
Hacking Tutorial | Creating a video or online speech indicating the performance of a hack or lag switch tool. Promoting an exploiting/hacking tool or method may fall under this punishment. | Account Termination. |
10+ Moderation Actions | Once a user has had 10 Level 2 or 3 bans, they will be permanently banned. | Account Termination |
Breaching Confidentiality | Mainly applies to current/former beta testers and staff. Leaking or spreading leaked information that is not public. Includes screenshots/gameplay descriptions from beta, private channels/systems, etc. | Permanent Ban from all platforms. |
Network Ban | Forceful removal from the community due to heavy toxicity, bribery, or other reasons decided by the admin team | Permanent Ban from all platforms. |
Violation Control
In the event where a Moderator or Head Mod needs to get involved in a situation with a player, such as a rule violation or emergency, staff members must be trained to operate and execute set guidelines in controlling the situation. Here, it will list the correct response for a given level. If in a situation where you are confused, don’t know what to do, or require assistance, calling for a Head Mod or Owner is the best thing you can do.
It is always a good idea to record or take screenshots of an event that requires a staff member’s assistance.
- Level 1 Violation
Stay Calm, and don’t engage in a hateful or disrespectful tone. Speak clearly, and politely ask the user to stop what they might be doing wrong and list a reason why they should comply with your request. Never yell or use profanity.
If the player stops, Thank him for his cooperation and say something positive.
If the player does not stop, repeat and ask them again kindly to stop. If the player does not stop and continues, proceed to remove him from the server by “kicking” them.
- If the player returns and still continues violating the rules, issue a long-term suspension. If the player continues after his suspension, notify the Head Mod to assist you in further handling the situation.
Level 2 Violation
Stay Calm, don’t engage in a hateful or disrespectful tone, but be a little more assertive. Speak clearly, and politely ask the user to correct their behavior. Tell them what they are doing is wrong and why. Never yell or use profanity.
If the player stops, Thank him for his cooperation, and wait for them to leave the scene. You can not leave until the reported player leaves the area on his own and you can not ask them to move on unless it is found reasonable.
If the player does not stop, repeat the above and ask them again to stop. If the player does not stop and continues, proceed to remove him from the server by “kicking” them, or further “ban” them from that specific server. If needed, Issue a long-term suspension.
- If the player returns and still continues violating the rules, Issue a long-term suspension. If the player continues after his suspension, re-notify the Head Mod to assist you in further handling the situation.
Level 3&4 Violation
Stay Calm, don’t engage in a hateful or disrespectful tone, but be assertive. Try to avoid the use of words that submit yourself to the player such as “please” or “we”. Speak clearly, and tell the user to correct their behavior. Tell them how they are violating the rules and how they are required to stop. Never yell or use profanity.
- If the player stops, Thank him for his cooperation, wait for him to leave the scene on his own, and keep a watch on him. Check-in on that player from time to time until an hour passes.
- If the player does not stop, repeat the above and request them to stop immediately. If the player does not stop and continues, proceed to remove him from the server by “kicking” them or “banning” them from that specific server. If needed, Issue a long-term suspension.
- If the player returns and still continues violating the rules on this severe level, notify the Head Mod to assist you in further handling the situation.