Cryptocurrency System

I’ve been wanting to make a game that heavily revolves around mining and exchanging cryptocurrency (Fictional currency). I want to keep it as realistic as possible but also not let you gamble all of your currency away. What would be some good safety measures to prevent you from squandering your currency but also not take away from the realistic experience?

If this was too vague of question, I’ll be more specific in the replies

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I’m not sure about your reasons for not wanting to let people spend their money, but a good safety net would be to just make a small amount of currency readily available, so that if they do spend it all, it can be made back. This can be like a daily reward that players automatically get, or easy missions, whatever suits your game’s style. Although don’t make this amount too large, just enough to buy basic necessities.


How will be people mining crypto? Are you going for a tycoon style game or will they be actually mining through roblox? Sorry that I’m asking about that but there’s been a similar question yesterday but they were going for the more illegal way that could get you terminated off the platform very quickly.

It will be a tycoon style game which is why I said “fictional currency”

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There is already Bitcoin Miner that exists. Perhaps get inspired by them?

EDIT: Didn’t mean to reply to you, oops.

Cryptocurrency can be very volatile and risky which is why I think safety measures will benefit players. I’d like to keep as realistic as possible. This game would also be a little open world, which would let players spend their money on other assets. I like the idea of daily rewards and milestones, keeping it balanced as well. Thank you for your advice.

Yes. this is slightly inspired by them. Perhaps you could call it a revamped, realistic, open world version?

Gambling overall is illegal and against the ToS but other than that I think everything’s fine. I’d add extra warning texts on loading screens and on the game about the danger of gambling

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Is Cryptocurrency considered gambling? The players would have all of the influence over the value of the currency, similar to how it is in real life.


You won’t be allowed to obtain the in game currency with robux*

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Not really but if people can gamble in the game it’s against as it involves gambling & promotes it.
Edit: If you wouldn’t be able to obtain in-game currency with Robux I believe not, although for additional safety reasons add notes & warnings for gambling.

Yeah I know about the gambling rules, I just don’t know if exchanging and mining crypto currency would abide in those rules.

The biggest safety net you need is not involving Robux. Once Robux is out of the equation, you’re free to do as you please with your currency systems regarding their valuation and use in your game. The rest is just about improving the user experience and ethics.

Players can exchange and mine currency, or you can just allow the currency to be earned by completing various tasks in your game. Daily rewards are also a common way of granting items to players as they log in. Whatever you like, since Robux isn’t involved.

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