Crystal Cave Build

I recently built this in 4 days and it would be nice for some feedback. Anything I can add?


Wow :star_struck:

I really like the Crystals

I think you should put some on the ceiling


I really like this! Maybe use different color crystals to give more light to the cave, but other than that, this is great!


Agreed. Add amethyst or emerald or just some primary colors and you should be good.


Looks great! Maybe put some rocks and pebbles and mounds of rock and crystals for some more detail.


Maybe more depth into the walls and floor. You can add some cracks or generally make it more than one block.

You could also add some rocks around the place to make it more cave like, no caves are ever that flat. The roof too!

Maybe different color crystals would be cool!!

Good job though :heart:


the water texture looks weird because it’s too repetitive, maybe try using roblox terrain for the water?

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Woooow.This is very cool. :clap:

Hi cad! Love it, hope you build more stuff!

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Could use some more work as for example:

More details and more variety. Right now the crystals are copy pasted everywhere, I’d recommend you make some of them different colors and also add some different type of crystal shapes, I am sure that’d add tons of variety to the cave. I’d also recommend you make it look less “boxy” make the shape of the cave more dynamic and also make the sand piles less out of place and also make the pond more curvy, it’s too square like, that’s not how pons look hence why it looks unnatural.

Overall a decent building, not gonna lie. But could be made better.

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