Crystal Cave Sledding

To date, my favourite game currently. Basically you sled down a cave and it’s randomly generated it’s fun as hell although it’s still an alpha it’s worth a try for 50R$ :woohoo:

Just be warned your crystal count doesn’t save (R.I.P 521 crystals </3)

Saw this the other day, absolutely loved it Wsly did an amazing job!


Zomebody and I are still working on this early ‘alpha’ version so there’s a lot more work to do. Crystals don’t save since we haven’t decided how we want to save data yet. Since there’s a topic for it now, we listen to all feedback and constructive critism so feel free :woohoo:

[quote] :DDD

Zomebody and I are still working on this early ‘alpha’ version so there’s a lot more work to do. Crystals don’t save since we haven’t decided how we want to save data yet. Since there’s a topic for it now, we listen to all feedback and constructive critism so feel free :woohoo:

I think you should be able to customize carts colour etc maybe a game pass would unlock this not sure I also think you should be able to perform tricks on jumps the longer you hold the trick more crystals you get. I’d be so happy to design sleds love it <3
[size=1]and give me my crystals back? idk[/size]

This game is very fun and Cant wait to see it develop. Lot of possibilities can be made with this, me and my friend were thinking 50 player Death Sled Race :stuck_out_tongue:


me and my friend were able to stick together by pressing 2 separate buttons at the same time, might want to look into it ;), we were able to do it twice without fail. [/spoiler]

this was so cool that I decided to make my own version of the generator to test out some new styles and such. It doesn’t hurt that Wsly, Zomebody, and I are good friends :slight_smile:

Woah! This is amazing could we take a peak at some of the generation code? :wink:

Unfortunately, Zomebody is out of town for two weeks, and I am sure Wsly and he want to keep the official code under wraps. I can give you a short snipped of the code I use to generate the path. This generation is nothing like the official code: I use bezier curves projected between distances of 100 to 250, whereas Zome’s generation deals in short, discreet segments each time. Still, if you are interested in random generation, it’s an interesting look-see.

	for i = 1,numOfSegments do
		if i%3 == 0 then
			LeftOrRight = math.random()<0.5 and 1 or -1
		if i%7 == 0 then
		if i%2 == 0 then
			UpOrDown = math.random()
		local segmentLength = math.random(minsegmentLength,maxsegmentLength)
		if i == numOfSegments then
			segmentlength = maxsegmentLength
		local start = controlpoints[i-1].cf
		controlpoints[i-1].ha = math.random(defaultHandleLength-segmentLength/5,defaultHandleLength+segmentLength/5)
		local halfway =start*,0,-segmentLength/2)
		halfway =,
		local maxup = -math.pi/16
		local maxdown = -math.pi/16*UpOrDown+maxup
		local angleofelevation = math.random()*(maxup-maxdown)+maxdown
		local rotate = math.random()*0.75*(50/segmentLength)*math.pi*LeftOrRight
		local offset =,0,-segmentLength/2),15),math.random(-5,5),math.random(-15,15))
		ending = halfway*CFrame.Angles(0,rotate,0)*CFrame.Angles(angleofelevation,0,0)*
		controlpoints[i]={cf=ending,hb=math.random(defaultHandleLength-segmentLength/5,defaultHandleLength+segmentLength/5),ha = 0}
		local startVector = ending.lookVector
		local endVector = (start*CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi,0)).lookVector
		local totalAngle = math.acos(startVector:Dot(endVector))/math.pi
		points, segmentoffset,curvelength,model = bezier.CreateCubicCurve(
		for j = 1,#points do
		totalDistance = totalDistance+curvelength
		if controlpoints[i].cf.y < minheight then
		if model then
			model.Parent = CaveModel
			for _,k in pairs (model:GetChildren()) do
				if k:IsA("BasePart") then
					k.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black()