We made CS2 smoke. Any suggestions?
You made volumetric smoke? Is it optimized? Do it lag? Do it bug? Do it glitch? How did you make it?
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i think it’s just a modified flood fill algorithm which uses raycasts, it shouldn’t be too bad on performance if the volume it covers isn’t huge and if the voxels aren’t small
Its just a particles. but but its pretty optimized Counter-Strike 2 Responsiveness Smoke - Roblox
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Its not uses raycast sadly. Its just a loop with for … do
This smoke recreation looks good. Nice job on it.
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Looks pretty good. The only bad thing i found is when i tried it with the wall with a triangle-like cut, and they didnt fill them up.
Your right. But maybe someday I will make it in solo. And make it with module that means it will be optimized and uncopylocked.