CSG Bugs!

Can’t union unionOperations, it creates an invisible unions and moves the two unionOperations to the origin (0,0,0).

Here’s an a repro
Step 1: Select both unionOperations
Step 2: Union both unionOperations
Step 3: See what happens from image (Moves one or both parts to origin, makes a unionOperation that is 2,1,1 that is invisible but has 0 transparency and is located at the origin too.)

Can’t negate one of the two parts that can’t be unioned

simple image where when negating it, it will create a Negative object that is 4,1,1 and at the origin.

EDIT: gif doesn’t work so using images

There’s a thread dedicated to CSG bug reports now :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, well this is happening with more than one union and with multiple people, so I think it would be better here as it would get more attention.

Oh, not again. We’ll take a look, but as with all things CSG, no promises!

I do get the error: Warning: Child object “Brickz.dåååååååååååååång…you got owned…” of parent “Brickz” is not supported by negation.

Perhaps that part of the CSG is the issue? Do you have that piece of the CSG saved somewhere as a better repro? It may be a corrupted CSG file.

As for being in the other thread, I look at all posts in Studio Bugs equally. Being in one thread or another won’t result in more/less attention.

You’ve got some hidden instances there.

[tt]game.Selection:Set({game:FindFirstChild(“Brickz”, true)})[/tt] and delete it.

Not in my place, but I noticed something in this place.

Bug: http://gfycat.com/PoliteResponsibleFurseal

Location: http://i.imgur.com/eRvybAE.jpg

Thank you for submitting this report. We are currently reviewing all bug reports to ensure we have not overlooked any ongoing issues. Since this issue was reported over two years ago, can you please confirm you are still experiencing the problem? If so, please respond to this thread, and we will investigate. If we do not receive any response within 30 days, we will consider this matter resolved. Thank you.