CSG v1 Rendering Issue

I know there’s a place to report CSG bugs however I’ve been almost entirely unable to work on several of my projects due to this issue & I wanted to create a more detailed post. I also know it’s heretical to use v1 but I’d use v2 if it were more well suited for creating smooth objects, and if I wasn’t working with older unions made in v1 a majority of the time.

  • Describe the bug. Describe what is happening when the bug occurs. Describe what you would normally expect to occur.

CSG v1 is unable to create visible unions through unioning, negating, or separating. When solid modelling (even with default bricks/parts), unions are rendered completely invisible upon editing them, this also applies to unions created prior to the issue, making the components invisible after operating on them (i.e a visible, older union made using CSG v1 turns invisible after adding a block to it and unioning it).

  • How often does the bug happen (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)? What are the steps that reproduce the bug? Please list them in very high detail. Provide simple example places that exhibit the bug and provide description of what you believe should be the behavior.

This bug happens without fail whenever using CSG v1. This bug can be reproduced by disabling CSG v2, stacking some bricks, and unioning them (as seen in the first GIF below).

Separating the components of this union reveals the base components simply because they are not CSG v1-based parts. An older, more complex union demonstrating the effect of its components going invisible can be seen in the second GIF below.

This issue isn’t specific to my Studio version, or my computer, due to uninstalling/reinstalling Studio twice on my main computer & having this same issue on my Mac which also has the most up to date Studio version.

  • Would a screenshot or video help describe it to someone? If so, post one.



  • When did the bug start happening? If we can tie it to a specific release that helps us figure out what we broke.

Approximately three or four days ago.


We’re looking into this.


We have disabled (and are fixing) the feature that caused this so can resume your work.

Please let us know if you still see any issues.


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I will, many thanks for resolving this so quickly.

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