CSGO/Quake styled movement

I’m to sharing a project I’ve been working on: a custom movement system inspired by CS:GO and Quake. I hope it can serve as a useful resource for developers looking to create similar mechanics in their own projects.

To build this, I referenced these resources:

While this system may not be perfect, it’s a resource for anyone interested in understanding how these mechanics work.


  • Air Strafing: Smooth and responsive mid-air movement.
  • Surfing: Basic surfing mechanics (pretty okay).

Issues :wrench:

Currently, the system does not include collision detection. If you’d like to implement this, I recommend checking out this helpful DevForum post:
How to Prevent Players from Getting Stuck/Glitching When Pushing Towards a Wall (How to prevent player getting stuck/glitching when pushing towards a wall?).
This also is ment for first person!!!

Test it out! :bulb:

If you want to test it, try it out here. (Player_movement - Roblox)

Get It! :100:



I’ve always wanted something like this! I will be using it.

When I give it a test, I will give you my feedback.


Thank you :100:. Any feedback will be great!

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Great movement! I hope collisions comes in the future.


here is my feedback:

it doesn’t feel like quake movement tbh. I recommend checking out controllers, as that can get a lot more of a closer effect:

How to Actually Use Roblox’s Physics Character Controllers - Resources / Community Tutorials - Developer Forum | Roblox


wait, thanks so much! I wanted a good character controller guide since the documentation is weak. Thank you, :heart_eyes:


oooh cool movement. im sure will be using this in my half life game!

im bhopping and slowing down for literally no reason lol

otherwise it’s great :+1: