Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X to clear the previous search text in Explorer window

Currently, in Studio, when you want to search for something in the Explorer Window, you use the Ctrl+Shift+X shortcut:


However, a new search does not clear the previous search. Thus, we always have to clear the previous content manually in order to start a new search:


Since this hasn’t been resolved by Roblox in a long time, I’ve done a workaround on AutoHotKey.


  1. Download and install AutoHotKey (version 1)
  2. Download and extract RobloxExplorerWindow.zip (477 Bytes) in any place of your Windows
  3. Double-click RobloxExplorerWindow.ahk to load the script


  1. Open Studio
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X will do the same as Ctrl+Shift+X, but will first clear the previous content on the filter.


This is pretty good, even though that’s not a big problem, but good job!