Ctrl+Z Frequently Crashes Studio

Sometimes, when I hit CTRL+Z to undo something, Studio will crash. Studio just closes out, no error message. It happens about 2 times a day for me when I’m using Studio. It has been happening for about a week. It seems to randomly happen, but I was able to repro it and get a video. I don’t see any commonalities between the instances where it happens (like undoing a specific action). It has happened in multiple places I’ve edited.

I use a Windows 10 PC.

I will attach a video file. Before the recording, the bug happened when I performed this exact sequence of events while working. I opened the most recent autosave file, started recording, and repeated the exact same actions. Here are the steps I took in the video:

Publish place to Roblox because I needed to insert a mesh.
Right click on the mesh in Game window and hit Insert With Location.
Select a different part (on the truck), and copy/paste the size of that part into notepad.
Select and copy the mesh ID from the mesh part I just inserted.
Paste the mesh ID into the other part on the truck.
Hit Ctrl+Z, and Studio crashes.


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Same thing happens to me… though i am getting a crash when i undo something with CTRL + Z and when i delete something using the DELETE key

The same thing has been happening with me. If I do Ctrl-Z, or if I adjust Brick Colors sometimes that also causes it to crash.

Same problem here. But when i reopen Studio again and deselect something, it just crashes again.

Be advised I posted this thread a year ago, and the bug has been fixed a long time ago. The bugs you guys are getting seem to be slightly different, since for me it was only Ctrl+Z that crashed studio. I don’t have any studio-crashing bugs currently

Oh oops, didn’t see that. This bug seems to occur when I change any property of something in the properties window. So new bug I assume.

Actually seems like the bug was my computers fault because I just restarted it and Studio works normally again!

Feel free to file new bug reports if you still see something similar to this

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