This post will be used as the changelog for my game Cubic Mayhem! which I am currently working on.
You can check out the game here its cool
I also post stuff about my games earlier on my twitter, and you can send me all feedback on my game here please follow me
Known Issues
Current Version: V 1.0
V 1.0
1 Total release in this version
V 1.0 - 12/24/20
- CHAOS game mode
- New event: Map Expansion
- 4 New relaxed mode sections
- Added 10+ music tracks
- Reduced the price of Reveal Key + End dev products from 25 Robux to 20
- UI improvements
- Improved 5 sections
- Added level-up + finish effects
- Added 5 badges
- Added notifications for when VIP server owners toggle events and checkpoints
- Performance Improvements
- Timer speeds up faster when all players have finished
- Lobby improvements
- Players names now shows when they buy a round event
- Enabled Voice Chat
- Removed 4 music tracks
- Removed sections 28 and 35
- Fixed portals and made teleporting a lot more smooth
- Fixed killbricks
- Fixed music player
- Fixed coin event
- Music player was muted on join
- Others I probably forgot about
Older Releases
V 0.2.9
1 Total release in this version
V 0.2.9 - 12/24/20
- Relaxed gamemode
- Anticheat things
- Checkpoints no longer place while typing
V 0.2.8
8 Total releases in this version
V 2.8.5 - 11/24/20
- 3 new sections
- 1 new pro sections
- new method for tweened parts time
- hotfix: disabled MapExpand event because this causes the game to be unbeatable sometimes
- Enabled section rotation for sections with conveyors
- Future lighting
V 2.8.4 - 11/12/20
- Increased chance for pro sections
- 1 New pro section
- 2 new pro sections
- New conveyor velocity method
V 2.8.3 - 11/11/20
- Small ambience particles
- End visual
- Section Tweaks
- Trail particle fix
V 2.8.2 - 10/27/20
- Anti walkspeed, tp, out-of-bounds measures
- Filled key decal not appearing
- Updated VIP gamepass Icon
V 2.8.1 - 10/25/20
- 3 New game events
- Coins not rotating sometimes
- Random events cost; 60 > 50
- New key decal
V - 10/24/20
- New game thumbnails
V - 10/16/20
- New game icon / logo
V 2.8 - 10/11/20
- Game Events, can happen randomly or bought in the shop. 8 different events currently.
- Phase 2 of the build overhaul: UI revamp, updated textures
- Minor controller improvements
- Balanced existing sections
- 2 New sections
V 0.2.7
6 Total releases in this version
V - 10/8/20
- Updated a few textures
- 4 New tracks
- Collectables would stop rotating on death
- Section Balances + Tweaks
- Fix music not muting + Fade
- Larger parts take longer to burn in Inferno
- Adjusted Kill barrier percent in Inferno + Pro gamemodes
V - 10/7/20
- Datastore save is much faster. This means faster portals.
- Phase 1 of the build overhaul
- Player shadows are gone
- Changed VIP text color
- 5 new snazzy tunes
- Section Tweaks
- Minor optimization during map generation
- UI Scale changes
V - 10/1/20
- V1 New lighting
- Game optimizations
- Fixes + Section Tweaks
V - 9/28/20
- Restructured all server code
- Adjusted all pro mode sections + More Section fixes / tweaks
- Spawnables no longer spawn on neon parts + spawn area changes
- Coin + Key stuttering is 100000% gone
- Walljumps + Conveyors not updating
- Sections 42 - 43
- Increased coins gained on finish by 7.5%
V - 9/27/20
- Forcefield colors + position bugs
- New look to forcefields
- Section fixes + tweaks
- 2 New trails: 1 VIP, 1 Normal
- VIP effects now save as last equipped
- Spawnables cannot spawn directly under a part
- Restructured client code
V 0.2.7 - 9/26/20
- Map gen is now 250% faster
- Backup data system
- VIP gamepass
- Adjusted effect for changing particles
- Coins, keys, shards no longer stutter
- Adjusted effect for coins + shards
- Misc spawn changes
- Section tweaks
- 3 New particles
V 0.2.6
11 Total releases in this version
V - 9/25/20
- Fixed coin tween playing backward sometimes
- Fixed Spawnables spawning in sideways on Cylinders
- Fixed Spawnables not spawning on moving parts
- Spawnables cannot spawn on top of each other
- New Pro mode feature: Conveyors now are randomly sped up slightly
- Changed visual for Textures on burning parts
- Section Tweaks
V - 9/24/20
- Fixed bug where map gen would infinitely yield
- First image of loading screen isn’t always inferno picture
- Parts held up by rope constraints no longer fall and freak out when burnt
- Rotating parts rotate slightly faster when in gamemode Pro
- Section Tweaks
V - 9/22/20
- Section Tweaks
- Server Errors
- Internal Coin time check. This change wont be visible
- Gamemode portals now require a confirmation to teleport
- Loading screen while teleporting to gamemodes
- Updated look for Show Key/End products
- Fixed coins and keys
V - 9/13/20
- Section 41
- Sections that are surrounded by blocks on all sides are now replaced with a block
V - 9/11/20
- Section 40
- Secret
- Fixed wall jump animations
- Faster timer when all players have finished
V - 8/27/20
- Sections 37 - 39
- Secton P9
- Leaderboards load faster
- Leaderboard color + order fix
- Constraints now respect section color
- Tweaks
V - 8/12/20
- 1 New Trail
- 3 New Particles
- Resize chat
- Changes to particles + Trails
V - 8/11/20
- Last trail equipped bug
- 5 new Particles
- 9 New Trails
- Internal changes
- Inferno gamemode changes: Burn time 7 > 7.5 Wait time 6 > 5
- Leaderboards leave a 2 player gap at the end
- Checkpoints only blocked in Pro gamemode
- Fixed bug causing map gen to infinitely yield
V - 8/10/20
- Enabled lobby portals for game modes
- Coins, Keys, Shards should no longer spawn on top of kill parts.
- Visual fire improvements for Inferno
- yeeted unions making some sections in Inferno super annoying
- Shop coin sound improvements
- Checkpoint bugs
- Fixed player collision
- Expanded tutorial to hold checkpoints
V - 8/9/20
- Checkpoints - only in Shattered + Normal gamemode
- Use of checkpoints reduces coins + XP gained by 8%
- Private Server owners can enable/disable the use of checkpoints
- Technical stuff
- Section tweaks
- Improved on user feedback
- Burning objects with Ropes or Textures or TextLabels transparency wouldn’t change
V 0.2.6 - 8/8/20
- Inferno gamemode! Private Servers only
- Increased Max map volume: 800
- DevProduct cost: 20 > 25
- Part optimizations
- Section tweaks
- Spawn + End changes
- Server control UI visual bugs
- Block spawn chance: 1/8 > 1/12
- Wall Jump bugs
- Kill barrier hitbox fix
- Removed 2 tracksthey were good tho
V 0.2.5
**1 Release in this version
V 0.2.5 - 8/7/20
- Custom map sizes! Old: 2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4 New: 1x4x2 1x1x10 8,8,1
- Changed Coins + XP / map math
- New gamemode defaults: Normal: 3x3x3 Pro: 4x4x4 Shattered: 3x3x2
- Map gen tweaks
- Max map size moved from cubic root to volume; Before: max size 10 (10x10x10) New: Max Volume 666
- Small optimizations
V 0.2.4
2 Releases in this version
V - 8/6/20
- Spawn Changes
- Section Tweaks
- Tutorial Changes
- Cant purchase show key DevProduct in gamemodes where key mode is shattered
- 1 New audio track
- Daily reward nerfed
- map gen + technical changes
V 0.2.4 - 8/5/20
- Shattered gamemode - Private Servers only
- technical map gen changes
- Spawnable Objects should no longer spawn in/on kill parts
V 0.2.3
3 Releases in this version
V - 8/4/20
- Map Gen cooldown
- Expanded tutorial to include gamemodes
- Progress bar not being full at map completion
- Minimum map size requirement for gamemodes
- Section tweaks
- Ui changes
- Private Server Coin + XP; -25% > -20%
- Updated thumbnails to reflect updated lobby
- Daily login streak rewards!
V - 8/3/20
- Sections 34 - 36
- Fixes
V 0.2.3 - 8/2/20
- Pro game mode - Private Servers only right now
- Start of Scattered game mode
- Removed Player Shadows
- XP gained now linear function rather than mapSize
- Coins + XP gained is now rounded up and down rather than just up
- Sections 30 - 33
- Server Control UI tweaks
- Sun is no more
V 0.2.2
5 Releases in this version
V - 7/31/20
- Updated game icon for the new spawn
- Created this super insanely cool devforum post for the changelog
- Small Map tweaks
- Started work on framework for minigames - Private Servers only
- Section 28 - 29
V - 7/30/20
- Particle cost; 40¢ > 35¢
- Shop purchase delay; .8 sec > .5 sec
- Map regen defaults to the last map size rather than 3.
- Spawn + End tweaks
- Section Tweaks
- Sections 26 - 27
V - 7/29/20
- Section Block for Private Server owners
- New Player Particle: SunRay
- Section tweaks
- Wall Jumps wouldnt work after death
- Rarity changes: Common 75% > 70% Uncommon 20% > 25%
- Datastore bugs
V - 7/28/20
- Duplicate Items gave you coins
- Key/Coin Spawn Glitches in certain edge cases
- Limited # of Block Sections to mapSize^2
- 3 new tracks(thanks monstercat)
- shop buy sound effect
- Music fade transition
- Section numbers
- Random section orientation (Not for ones with Conveyors for now)
- Fixed leaderboards
V 0.2.2 - 7/28/20
- Vip server owners get more control over the server
- Datastore not saving equipped particle
- Spawn lobby changes
- Max Playercount 30 > 25; Reserved Slots 8 > 5
- Leaderboards update time 2 > 3 mins
- Section 25
V 0.2.1
2 Releases in this version
V - 7/24/20
- Shop Scaling Issues + Inventory Layout
- 3 New Player Particles: Smoke, OofHead, Sparkles
- Wall Jumps broken on mobile
- Inventory clipping bugs
- Coin Label going into neatives/completely wrong
- Inconsistent Thud sounds for finishing
V 0.2.1 - 7/23/0
- Patched edge cases where game is unbeatable
- Spawn changes
- Progress bar showing progress on map generation
- Sections 18 - 24
- New datastore system in place
- Improved game Icon + Thumbnails
*Started logging changelog. There have been a few indev updates that are not logged here.