I would like to know if Roblox handles culling for texture instances (not rendering the texture object on a part when the camera can’t see the face that it’s on)
In context with my situation:
I have four similar wall textures for a simple wall part (not a mesh) covering the front, back, left and right.
Let’s say for a moment, I can’t see the back and left side of the wall’s face – Does Roblox automatically cull the textures on those faces for me? And would keeping those textures there regardless matter performance-wise? (I procedurally generate thousands of these walls)
The only culling Roblox does is frustum culling and backface culling. Backface culling isnt what your describing (its basically turning off double sided on a mesh, except its for everything) and frustum culling is disabling rendering on parts that the camera can’t see. So no, it doesnt.
I would recommend using similar texture ids as much as you can. Parts/faces with similar textures or decals can be batched and will be rendered at once.