(TL;DR, becasue the response got long: configurable code unavoidably requires configuration, if this is a serious barrier to you + this is relevant to your experience - I’ve added some console code to help you out)
I think there’s some kind of miscommunication. CullingService is not designed or intended to be some kind of automatically initialized/self-determining system. That’s very much in the vein of StreamingEnabled, which indiscriminately streams everything in and out (more or less).
CullingService is designed to be configurable. This lets you reap the benefits of streaming objects in and out while still maintaining very precise (at least relative to the default engine options) control over your experience.
However, the clear downside of a configurable system is that it requires configuration! Like most things (ex: redoing a UI framework, shifting data/replication handling, etc.), converting an existing experience over is going to be more time-consuming than starting at the onset. It can be necessary, but it’s definitely not flashy development - we can agree on this, I’m sure.
With that said (and assuming you have good naming conventions in your experience, i.e., not “Model” everywhere). You can expedite the process with some simple console work.
Run this in your console
for _, Model in ipairs (workspace:GetChildren()) do
if not Model:IsA("Model") then
local MediumFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
MediumFolder.Name = "Medium"
for _, Child in pairs (Model:GetChildren()) do
Child.Parent = MediumFolder
MediumFolder.Parent = Model
Wrote without testing - should work, but it’s possible there is a typo
Add the 5-6 necessary folders (per instructions)
Open the plugin, initialize it, click the auto button.
And, your place should be set up.
With that said still, if you’re averse to steps, then it’s very possible this is simply not necessary for your experience. If your experience from a programming perspective isn’t detrimentally affected by StreamingEnabled, that might be better for you - it’s definitely easier (because it’s a toggle setting). If you’re not overly concerned about performance controls, then this simply might not be relevant to you.