Cupz Cafe | Interview Guide

Cupz Cafe | Interview Guide

Hello, and welcome to the Cupz Cafe interview guide! In this guide, you’ll find all of the information needed to host and interview!

Host Operations

As a host of a session, you are required to claim the session on our Trello board using the claiming system. You must also be a Supervisor+, otherwise you aren’t allowed to host.

Now, then. You must announce the session 20 minutes before the session starts. As the host, you must join as soon as you’ve announced it in our communications server, and on our group shout. You must use the formats in the pop-up below.

Group Shouts

[INTERVIEWS] Hosted by (username) | Please begin to head on down to the Interview Center for a possible chance of promotion to Trainee!

[INTERVIEWS] Server locked | We have now locked the server and the session has begun! My apologies if you couldn’t attend, but you can always try and attend the next session.

[INTERVIEWS] Cancelled | We are sad to announce that the session has been cancelled due to (reason). I’m sorry if you couldn’t attend, or you were attending the session, but there are more chances!

[INTERVIEWS] Concluded | I am happy to announce that the session has concluded! Congratulations to everyone that passed! The next training session is (TIME)!

At :50 staff may start to attend, and they will go into the spot of their desired positions. If you aren’t familiar with these spots, let me show you…
Now, then. You as the host have the power to change their role. PM them telling them the role that you wish for them to go into. Now, then. Role limits and requirements…

Session Role = Group Rank = Role limit

Supervisor = Staff Assistants, Head of Supervision+ = Unlimited
Interviewer = Staff Assistant+ = 9
Promoter = Head of Supervision+ = 2
Overseer = Executive Assistant+ = 2

You have the right to dismiss any excess staff.

So, you’ve joined the Interview Center and staff are in their positions. What now? Roles. You need to role people the role that they have. To do this, PM all admins asking them what their roles is so you can role them using the ‘change username r role’ command. This is also gives you the opportunity to move staff around.

Now, onto the guide itself…

Five minutes before the session starts you should PM admins saying…

Greetings, staff! Please ensure that you’re answering all PTS calls, as it would really benefit our customer’s knowledge.

Two minutes before the session starts you should PM admins telling them if there are excess staff or not. Use the one which represents the situation…

[EXCESS] Greetings, staff. Sadly I have to announce that we have an excessive amount of staff members, meaning that you’re dismissed if you are on the following list. Excess staff members: [usernames]. My apologies.

[PERFECT] Greetings, staff. I am happy to announce that we have the right amount of staff members this session, and so no one is dismissed. Thank you for attending!

Two minutes before the session starts is the deadline for Middle Ranks to attend. Please tell them that they’re excess staff and they’re dismissed.

At starting time please lock the sever using ‘/slock’. If that doesn’t work please say ‘slock’ instead. After that you need to announce the following:

sm Permission to speak | Permission to speak is now in effect. If you wish to ask a question please say ‘PTS’ or ‘Permission to speak’. Failure to co-operate will lead to a sever removal.

It’s then the job of the session promoter to announce that the server has been locked on the group shout only. If you don’t have a promoter, ask the overseer instead, and if you don’t have any, then you’ll have to do it yourself. Please continue right after the PTS announcement.

sm Welcome to Cupz Cafe interviews! My name is (username/name), and thank you for joining me! Please also welcome the staff members who have come out of their day to help you. Anyways, let’s get started!

sm The information portion of this interview will now begin. All permission to speak requests will be denied, and you’ll have to wait.

sm [1] You’re required to use proper grammar throughout your interview. Failure to do so will lead to you failing your interview. We are very strict about this.

sm [2] You must include at least one detailed sentence during this interview, and hopefully two. For users applying for Staff Assistant, you must have 2 - 3 sentences. If you fail to follow this rule you will fail your interview.

sm [3] You are required to state an answer within 60 seconds. If you fail to do this you will be striked by your interviewer.

sm [4] We work by a three strike system. If you are striked three times, then you will fail this interview and will have to re-apply at another session.

sm [5] Trolling/exploiting is prohibited. If caught, we will permanently ban you from the Interview Center, meaning that you will no longer be able to apply. Please DM the host to appeal this.

sm [6] If you lose connection during the session please message your interview immediately. We will unlock the server for 30 seconds, and then slock again.

sm [7] If you fail, please don’t argue with your interviewer. You always have another chance. They’re just following operations.

sm [8] Copying and pasting your answers is prohibited. If caught, you will be failed immediately and you will have to attend another session.

sm Great! Please start spamming ‘C7RN’. This is our safechat test, to ensure that you’re able to start working at Cupz Cafe! Begin the spam!

sm Thank you for co-operating. I have finished my part of the session, and now it’s your turn! Interviewers will now begin to pick you one at a time and take you to an office.

Interviewer Operations

As an interviewer you must pick one customer at a time. Once picked, you must got into an office and sit down at a table with the interviewee. After that, you may begin the interview!

Hello! My name is (username), your interviewer for today’s session. Now, I’ll go through some guidelines.

Firstly, you have 60 seconds to answer a question. If failed to do so, you will be striked.

Secondly, you can obtain strikes through errors in grammar and lack of detail. Three errors will result in failure.

Thirdly, you can’t copy and paste. If caught, you will be failed. We take this rule very seriously. Don’t cheat the system.

Finally, which rank would you like to receive? Amateur or Apprentice?

(Don’t say this): Staff Assistant interviews only operate when we announce that they’re open. If they aren’t open, please don’t ask which rank they want.

Okay, great! Let’s begin the interview! Good luck, you can do it!

Trainee questions:

[1] How would you greet a customer? A greeting is required.
[2] How would you deal with a rude customer?
[3] How can you benefit Cupz Cafe?
[4] How honest are you? Explain.
[5] Correct this sentence: hello welcme to cupz Cafe. how could i help u on this fine day!

Staff Assistant questions:

[1] Why are you applying for this position?
[2] How would you deal with a rude customer?
[3] Correct this sentence: im here at cupz cafe for i can apply for apprentice ;D.
[4] What timezone are you in? Explain how you can attend sessions in your current timezone.
[5] You need to use grammar here at Cupz Cafe. Rate your grammar out of 1 - 10. Why?
[6] Do you have any past experiences in places like Cupz Cafe? If so, list them.
[7] You see someone exploiting. What do you do?
[8] You see someone trolling. What do you do?
[9] What characteristics make you stand out?
[10] Are you in our Communications Server? If not, you will be declined.

Please review their responses a second time. If you think they have passed, please PM a promoter at the session and tell the interviewee one of the following…

You have passed! Well done! Please give me some time to PM the promoter, who will be with us shortly.

You have failed, sadly. This is due to (reason). My apologies about this, but you can always attend another session!

If failed, dismiss them.

Promoter Guide

Once an interviewer has PMed you please teleport to them. After that, say this to the interviewee…

Greetings! I identify as (username), the promoter for this session. Please give me time to examine your answers.

Please do be aware that this may take a long time.

If passed, tell the interviewee this…

Congratulations on passing your interview! Please pay attention as I go over key information that you must know!

If failed, tell the interviewee this…

I am sad to announce that you failed due to (reason). I’m sorry about this, but hopefully you take this as a step to learning.

Dismissed! Thank you for attending.

If passed as an Trainee, tell them this…

As an Trainee you can’t yet work behind the counters. You must attend trainings! All ranks Junior Barista+ can serve!

Grammar is a must in all of our games from now on. Failure to do so will lead to an instant termination.

Trolling is prohibited. We will find out and demote you instantly.

Please wait patiently to be ranked.

(Don’y say this): Then rank the interviewee to Trainee, and kick them saying…

kick (username) Ranked & dismissed! Thank you for attending.

If passed as an Staff Assistant, please say this…

You’re qualified to become a Middle Rank at Cupz Cafe! Please ping me in the Communications Server.

If they ping you, say…

Great! I’ll now rank you and go into more information through DMs!

After that, rank the interviewee to Staff Assistant and kick them from the game saying…

kick (username) Welcome to the Cupz Cafe Middle Rank Team! Ranked & dismissed!

You must then contact them through DMs to go through basic Middle Rank things, like three sessions a week, session operations, etc.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask someone. Other than that, I hope you find this helpful!