Cupz Cafe | Promotion Guide


Cupz Cafe | Promotion Guide

Do you want to become an Apprentice?

Yes? Well, this is the guide for you! We wish you the best of luck throughout your journey! Now, let’s get into this. Please keep in mind that you must be a Senior Staff to get promoted to Apprentice. If you aren’t a Senior Staff then you will have to wait for applications to come out.

The guide

  1. Be active | We wish to hire staff that are active within our cafe. If you are on the cafe for an hour a day, you’re probably going to get promoted over a person who worked longer on one single day, but then never showed up to the cafe on the days after that.

  2. Have good grammar | You don’t need to use complex words. Actually, you’re more likely to be grammatically correct if you use simple words, as you know how to spell them!

  3. Prepare your orders quickly | We need to ensure that you know how to make and prepare orders, as this is a vital skill for you to know.

  4. Follow the Middle Rank dress code | If you wish to seek a Middle Rank position, we need to know that you will follow our Middle Rank rules, most certainly the dress code. (Blocky package).

  5. Be unique | We want to see people that are different in their own way, and not a person who inventory shops everyone that they see.

  6. Don’t point cheat | Basically, this means don’t cheat or do anything suspicious to earn points. You will be caught and you will be demoted.


We’re sorry that this post was short, but we hope that this helped you reach the rank Apprentice at Cupz Cafe!