Current Server Problems if opened while testing

I’m not sure if this is a code Error or a Studio bug or it meant to be this way

If you open CurrentServer while testing and open the ServerStorage and open the custom created folders are you changing the paths?? Its not supost to…because I am testing my game and I came to conclusion that it change the path but idk y anyone had this happen?

First I bought the pet and sold it

Then I went to Current server to check the ServerStorage and the clones did delete
Image of how it look like before I sell
The other way that it glitch?
I bought the pet went to Current Server and opened the folders
Then went back to Current Client and sold the pet and then went back in Current Server and this happened…
It deleted the content of Green instead of deleting Green

Can this be because I opened the path?


CheckUserPetToUnEquip is the name of the pet that want to be sold

I recreated this. Try it yourself and tell me if you think this is a bug
RobloxBug.rbxl (30.7 KB)
Steps to Recreate

  • First Buy a pet
  • Go to TEST > and go to Current Server
  • Open ServerStorage Open the folder with the ID and the Server pets shold have something in it BUT DONT OPEN IT
  • Go back to Current Client
  • And Click Sell
  • Now Go back to Current Server and there should be nothing inside of ServerPets because it got sold

But if you do it this way Roblox Studio Glitch?

  • First Buy a pet
  • Go to TEST > and go to Current Server
  • Open ServerStorage Open the folder with the ID and the Server pets shold have something in it BUT NOW OPEN IT
  • Go back to Current Client
  • And Click Sell
  • Now Go back to Current Server and there should be nothing inside of ServerPets because it got sold but…as you can see what was inside of Red got deleted not Red
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I’m not sure your in the right Category here but it is interesting, seems it didn’t want to :Destroy() the pet while it was being viewed by the Current Server. When I hit sell while the current server had the path open, nothing happened, but as soon as I closed the ServerStorage path it was deleted.

I replicated these results with a model that I wanted to destroy in the workspace by clicking a ClickDetector. I had the path open in Current Server, then I clicked on Current Client, and the model was gone on both the Client and the Server. However, the path to the model remained on the server.

I tried the same thing with an emulated server and client but the pet was properly :Destroy()ed so I’m guessing its a Studio bug that couldn’t affect running games in the slightest. This could potentially be annoying for people trying to test functionality in their game to see that something didn’t properly delete or something. Interesting find tho, unless I’m missing something

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I wasn’t sure if this was a code base Problem that’s why I posted in this category but know I think its more of a Studio bug

I think It’s best to change the Category to Studio Bug then

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