"Currently wearing" on mobile does not display more than 7 items

iPhone 11
iOS 17.4.1

When going on a users profile on the Roblox mobile app and looking at their “Currently wearing”, if they’re wearing more than 7 items, then the currently wearing will only display 7 items instead of all the items the user is wearing.

In this video you see me going on my own profile while I am wearing more than 7 items. When scrolling through currently wearing it only displays 7 of the items I am wearing, completly leaving out my shirt or my accessories.

Expected behavior

It should be displaying all the items which a user is currently wearing, not be maxed out at displaying 7 items.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

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Hi, it’s been half a year now and this issue is still occuring. Is there any updates on this?

I have been experiencing this problem as well. Hopefully, this can be fixed!

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