I am currently working on a core module with functions that will make Roblox programming a bit more easy then it already it is. This module will be mostly recommended for users who are less fluent in Roblox Lua. None of the code will be hidden so all the code that is used you will be able to read and learn off of. These functions will make Roblox development a little bit more easy.
Now of course I am gonna add some stuff for more fluent users of Roblox Lua like functions to make a grid of parts. The grid function might not be used in an in game script but as a shortcut in a command line.
Code Example
Example : Module:CreateGrid(workspace,vector3.new(5,1,5), 50,50)
Argument 1 is the parent where you want the grid
Argument 2 is the size of each grid part
Argument 3 Y axis of the grid
Argument 4 X axis of grid
There will be much more useful functions when this project is done.
There is no price for using this library. I am making this library to help the community out. Please feel free to message me any feedback and/or ideas you have for me and this project.
Documentation for the functions will be on a git hub once it is finished and yes there will be further updates to it.
Please note: Like I said this is completely free with no catches. I will not force on any credit into game creations.