1.0.0 - Release - 25/12/2022
- Release!
1.0.1 - Small Christmas Event - 27/12/2022
Added “Terry the Snowman”, a small christmas event NPC, completing his questline will reward a new exclusive powerful weapon, this NPC will be here until the 6th of January.
Added the Peppermint Cane, a powerful exclusive weapon only obtained through Terry’s questline.
Added Peppermint consumable.
Weapons can now have active and passive abilities.
Reduced armor costs a lot, they cost 4x less:
- Helmet: 40 Ingots → 10 Ingots
- Chestplate: 80 Ingots → 20 Ingots
- Leggings: 60 Ingots → 15 Ingots
- Boots: 20 Ingots → 5 Ingots
Added “Joined Cursed Lands” Badge and “Defeat Noah’s Wrongs” Badge.
Added a notification when: Recieving a quest, when your quest is ready to hand in and when a quest is handed in.
Fixed Wheat Seed not being equipable
1.1.0 - The High Forest, Cooking, Baits and Magic Upgrades - 20/3/2023
Main Updates:
New The High Forest Zone
New Cooking Skill (Including a few craftable foods)
29 New Items (2 New Sets of Armor, 1 New Weapon and other smaller stuff)
9 New Powers (2 Teleports, 7 Offensive Powers)
New Mana System
7 New Enemies (5 Enemies, 2 Minibosses)
4 Quest Givers (1 Questline, 3 Repeatable Quests)
New Treasure Room in Dungeons
Added Baits
Most of, if not, all of the game has been rebuilt.
Miscellaneous/Bug Fixes/Adjustments/Polish:
- Fixed huge performance issue caused by the zone music script
- Added slope sliding
- Added Mobile Shiftlock
- Changed Player experience requirements for leveling up a lot
- Nerfed XP and Gold Rates by a lot
- Upgrades to the quest system allowing to specify more stuff
- When not running the running animation won’t play and you won’t get agility experience either
- Leaderboards can now have up to 100 entries! (They do reset slower)
- Donations have been added in the stats island
- Interacting with the environment is now using F instead of G
- UIs now close when other UIs are open
- The amount of defense experience you can receive is limited to the max health you have
- Players now start off with 10% sea creature chance. (Up from 1%)
- Many typos fixed.
- Fixed special weapon attacks breaking after death
- Fixed Coin of “you did it”
- Added Music Toggle to settings
Current player data will be adjusted to the new levels and rates, meaning, they will have the same progress but adapted to the current rates/requirements. Please report any errors/bugs.
1.1.1 - Noah's Wrongs Overhaul, Badges, Overhauled Animations, New Collection System, Performance Updates - 10/11/2023
Main Updates:
Added 8 New Items (new armor set and some consumables)
Added new power
Added badges (they reward something VERY RARE and VERY USEFUL for 1.2)
Added New Resource Collection System, resources and tools have been rewritten
Noah’s Wrongs boss fight has been overhauled
Miscellaneous/Bug Fixes/Adjustments/Polish:
Performance Upgrades (meaning the servers work much better now, less lag overall, meaning monster attacks should look smoother)
All tool animations have been remade (meaning they stick to the body now and don’t just float weirdly when performing any special animations)
New Movement Animations (Walking, Running, etc)
Weapons have been rewritten
Foraging has been remade, you can actually pick up mushrooms and other wild consumables.
Leaderboards have been rewritten and shouldn’t cause more trouble, allowing me to add even more of them in the future
Upgraded Pathfinding
Remade Day/Night cycle
Added player kills leaderboard
Nerfed foraging/mining/farming fortune extra drops to be additive and not multiplicative
Nerfed xp rates for cooking
Dungeons now generate a new server for performance reasons
Fixed Peppermint Cane’s animations being screwed up.
Fixed tridents not swinging
Added item use cooldown
Added some sounds and particles (will be trying to do that with all new/remade content for higher quality)
A bunch of effects (majorly magic) has been moved to the client for smoother visuals
Upgraded hit detection
Buffed Magic to give 0.5 Magic Defense per level
1.1.2 - Small Christmas Event's return - 25/12/2023
Added Terry the Snowman and his questline for the exclusive Peppermint Cane weapon
Buffed Peppermint Cane weapon’s damage from 50 to 100