Cursed Lands Update Log

1.0.0 - Release - 25/12/2022
  • Release!
1.0.1 - Small Christmas Event - 27/12/2022
  • Added “Terry the Snowman”, a small christmas event NPC, completing his questline will reward a new exclusive powerful weapon, this NPC will be here until the 6th of January.

  • Added the Peppermint Cane, a powerful exclusive weapon only obtained through Terry’s questline.

  • Added Peppermint consumable.

  • Weapons can now have active and passive abilities.

  • Reduced armor costs a lot, they cost 4x less:

    • Helmet: 40 Ingots → 10 Ingots
    • Chestplate: 80 Ingots → 20 Ingots
    • Leggings: 60 Ingots → 15 Ingots
    • Boots: 20 Ingots → 5 Ingots
  • Added “Joined Cursed Lands” Badge and “Defeat Noah’s Wrongs” Badge.

  • Added a notification when: Recieving a quest, when your quest is ready to hand in and when a quest is handed in.

  • Fixed Wheat Seed not being equipable

1.1.0 - The High Forest, Cooking, Baits and Magic Upgrades - 20/3/2023

Main Updates:

  • New The High Forest Zone

  • New Cooking Skill (Including a few craftable foods)

  • 29 New Items (2 New Sets of Armor, 1 New Weapon and other smaller stuff)

  • 9 New Powers (2 Teleports, 7 Offensive Powers)

  • New Mana System

  • 7 New Enemies (5 Enemies, 2 Minibosses)

  • 4 Quest Givers (1 Questline, 3 Repeatable Quests)

  • New Treasure Room in Dungeons

  • Added Baits

  • Most of, if not, all of the game has been rebuilt.

Miscellaneous/Bug Fixes/Adjustments/Polish:

  • Fixed huge performance issue caused by the zone music script
  • Added slope sliding
  • Added Mobile Shiftlock
  • Changed Player experience requirements for leveling up a lot
  • Nerfed XP and Gold Rates by a lot
  • Upgrades to the quest system allowing to specify more stuff
  • When not running the running animation won’t play and you won’t get agility experience either
  • Leaderboards can now have up to 100 entries! (They do reset slower)
  • Donations have been added in the stats island
  • Interacting with the environment is now using F instead of G
  • UIs now close when other UIs are open
  • The amount of defense experience you can receive is limited to the max health you have
  • Players now start off with 10% sea creature chance. (Up from 1%)
  • Many typos fixed.
  • Fixed special weapon attacks breaking after death
  • Fixed Coin of “you did it”
  • Added Music Toggle to settings

Current player data will be adjusted to the new levels and rates, meaning, they will have the same progress but adapted to the current rates/requirements. Please report any errors/bugs.

1.1.1 - Noah's Wrongs Overhaul, Badges, Overhauled Animations, New Collection System, Performance Updates - 10/11/2023

Main Updates:

  • Added 8 New Items (new armor set and some consumables)

  • Added new power

  • Added badges (they reward something VERY RARE and VERY USEFUL for 1.2)

  • Added New Resource Collection System, resources and tools have been rewritten

  • Noah’s Wrongs boss fight has been overhauled

Miscellaneous/Bug Fixes/Adjustments/Polish:

  • Performance Upgrades (meaning the servers work much better now, less lag overall, meaning monster attacks should look smoother)

  • All tool animations have been remade (meaning they stick to the body now and don’t just float weirdly when performing any special animations)

  • New Movement Animations (Walking, Running, etc)

  • Weapons have been rewritten

  • Foraging has been remade, you can actually pick up mushrooms and other wild consumables.

  • Leaderboards have been rewritten and shouldn’t cause more trouble, allowing me to add even more of them in the future

  • Upgraded Pathfinding

  • Remade Day/Night cycle

  • Added player kills leaderboard

  • Nerfed foraging/mining/farming fortune extra drops to be additive and not multiplicative

  • Nerfed xp rates for cooking

  • Dungeons now generate a new server for performance reasons

  • Fixed Peppermint Cane’s animations being screwed up.

  • Fixed tridents not swinging

  • Added item use cooldown

  • Added some sounds and particles (will be trying to do that with all new/remade content for higher quality)

  • A bunch of effects (majorly magic) has been moved to the client for smoother visuals

  • Upgraded hit detection

  • Buffed Magic to give 0.5 Magic Defense per level

1.1.2 - Small Christmas Event's return - 25/12/2023
  • Added Terry the Snowman and his questline for the exclusive Peppermint Cane weapon

  • Buffed Peppermint Cane weapon’s damage from 50 to 100

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