I’m attempting to place a text label on the curved portion of a cylinder, but the text label stays flat and does not appear to stay on the surface of the cylinder. Is there a simple way to correct this so the text label curves with the cylinder? Here is a pic:
Thanks for the reply. Your suggestion did work to curve the image around the cylinder. I found that I could not adjust the size of the image. It took up the entire surface. I suppose I have to make an image the exact size of the surface it will be pasted to and add additional colors to blend it in. Here’s how it turned out:
You can make 3D Text using the free plugin ThreeDText 2 or create a .PNG image.
After using the plugin you can make the text long to seem like it’s coming out of the cylinder. If that’s not what you want you can create a text as a .PNG file and then place it on the cylinder with ImageLaber (I prefer using ImageLabel) or Decal. I would choose the former way since I prefer the 3D text.
Anyways I hope this helped you, good luck with your project!
I must still be missing a step. I added a SurfaceGui to the cylinder then added an ImageLabel within that and set my O2 pic as the Image. It still doesn’t curve. I even tested it again on just a plain cylinder. See below:
Ok then I must have been wrong my bad, sorry. As I see it only works with decals if you want it 2D so yeah make a decal and adjust it a little bit. Otherwise you can use the plugin I mentioned before.
You could create a new invisible small cylinder, and place it on the big cylinder so the image is curved and small. Then on the small cylinder, import the decal.