Curve Animation playback differs between in editor and in game

When copy pasting keyframes in the animation editor and using the “Use Auto Tangent” feature, it will work as expected in the editor but when the animation is played in game, it is as if the tangent is never set and it interpolates jarringly.

This issue occurs in varying severity with nearly a hundred of my animations, the only workaround I found is to manually set the tangent of every joint in every keyframe by grabbing and dragging.

Minimal reproduction:

anim-bug-repro.rbxl (78.1 KB)

This place file contains one of my animations that exhibit the bug, and a script to play the animation when test played, though you will need to manually publish the animation and replace the id in the script for it to load.

In the animation editor, you will see after the main arm swing movement, the body is still but when played in game you should see a jarring bounce when it should be still.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

I am still experiencing this game breaking bug with curve animations, making them completely unusable for me.

Do you have any update as to if or when this will be addressed?

I’ve reattached the videos I provided before just as additional references in case it may be helpful.
Really hoping this is on the roadmap for 2025!

In Playtest

In Studio
