Curve Animations not Working Properly

As you can see in the video, it works fine in the animation editor but breaks when I try to use it with the humanoid. The gun and limbs move around a bit but not how intended.

local AimAnim ="Animation")
AimAnim.AnimationId = GunConfig.Animations.Aim

local RestAnim ="Animation")
RestAnim.AnimationId = GunConfig.Animations.Rest

local ReloadAnim ="Animation")
ReloadAnim.AnimationId = GunConfig.Animations.Reload

local BoltAnim ="Animation")
BoltAnim.AnimationId = GunConfig.Animations.Bolt

BoltAnimTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(BoltAnim),
ReloadAnimTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(ReloadAnim),
RestAnimTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(RestAnim),
AimAnimTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(AimAnim),

What is the animation priority of the animation?

Action3 is the level. My animations were working before the curve animations were being used.