Curve Editor Widget needs some UX improvements

The little text boxes in the bottom left of the curve editor are very small and any value bigger than 2 digits will be hidden. It feels there’s easily a lot of room for them to have more horizontal spacing.

The curve editor widget is also in dire need of other quality of life features such as being able to resize the window and being able to set the min/max values of the curve instead of always having it clamped between 0 and 10. It creates many situations where I have to manually write out the NumberSequence by hand in the command bar to get the desired result because I end up wasting way more time trying to do it all by hand.


As a workaround i can suggest using a VFX editor Plugin. I use a free one, i don’t rememeber what its called but its the first free one in the plugin store. just type in VFX editor.

But yes, We definitely need some QoL improvements to the widgets, i think a good feature would be bezier curves and similiar interpolation modes to the keyframes.