Looking for feedback on my account system, you can create an account using a username and password and can log back into that account with the password or backup codes given after creating the account.
Video of it here: Account System - Youtube
Try it here: Ragdoll game but EVIL - Roblox
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Looks really good! I love the colors and the button design you came up with. If i have to be honest i’m not a huge font of the Username and Password sections, but i can see why you used it. Great job regardless
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I liked how the font looked when the user was yet to type in it, but when typing their information, the font made it hard to see what you were typing. so, now I have best of both worlds and have the “drawn” font only applied if the user has nothing typed in the textbox, and when they start typing in it, it changes to a more readable font
Alright makes sense, it gives the UI some personality and contrast in fact now that i think about it. Also the animations look pretty smooth and clean. May i ask what framework did you use to create it? Or did you use build it manually?
ty, I didn’t use any frameworks for it, all manual