Custom Airport Build

6QL4 here, and recently I started making custom regional airports.

This is my second airport, and I am really trying to make it look good.

What do you guys think about it? Any feedback is appreciated!!


The brick texture doesn’t fit very well with an airport. Looks more like a school. Airports just aren’t made of red bricks. Their structures are either concrete or some other smoother material.


I guess that’s true… What should I do?

Hey! It looks great. Here are some tips:

  • The roof looks a bit awkward, I suggest adding more detail to it. This may be a personal preference, but I’m not a huge fan of the trapezoid roof. I personally would change it to more of a triangle shape.

  • Use 3d text instead of SurfaceGuis. You can create 3D text by modeling some of Blender, or by using free model text (I don’t suggest relying on this, however.)

  • Adding more detail to the interior. The interior looks a bit plain and could use more detail, perhaps adding a few plants?

  • Adding a parking lot. Many airports have a giant parking lot around the front of their building. Parking lots could add to the realism of the build.

What style are you going for in this building? A low-poly style, or realism?


Wow, never thought of these. I surely have a lot to learn, but thank you so much! This will help me a lot. Ya’ll are so helpful. :slight_smile:

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I would try a more modern approach. Maybe a mix of white and grey colors then concrete, metal, and smooth plastic materials

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The thing at the front is a bit odd, I don’t think that it is needed.
The texture does not really fit an airport, maybe go for concrete and make it gray.
The sign is a bit odd because it is green, maybe make it white.
I also can’t really tell from the angle, but the windows look a bit too thick.


I would also add more detail to the actual builds. Everything is flat, that’s not how real life works. Walls should have inlets, different parts, etc. it needs to have more depth to it.



The main issue with this airport is that it doesn’t look like an actual airport. It looks like a school like @DevourerOfBread mentioned as well. Airports usually aren’t made out of bricks but they do exist but just not many. The front thing also makes it look like a school even more so I would suggest removing that. Building from multiple reference also helps a lot. Even if you aren’t making a specific airport, basing one is pretty important when you want to make your airport look good though you can make it on your own completely. The green text also is a pretty bad color for a brick building or even any building at all. 3d text would fit any building pretty well. Make the text darker or lighter than the building depending on the color of your building. If the wall is darker, go for a lighter color, if it’s brighter, go for a darker color. I would make the text grey also. The textures are also not very good, for the sidewalks any concrete texture would be good but since I don’t think you can make decals on roblox so it doesn’t repeats or have a pattern so just use the default ones roblox have. The grass also looks way too saturated and bright. Try making the grass slightly more dark or brighter and less saturated. Overall I think the most important things you should change about is so it doesn’t look like a school and the textures a bit. You also shouldn’t try focusing on making it detailed or look good (like the building part itself) but rather focusing on stuff you can improve or manage to do currently


The airport doesn’t have proper details as it lack material and overall shape, have you considered into having a few images by your side to incorporate those important details to have a more unique result.

If you look at real life airports around different areas you will see what materials - color shape it features around the building structure and on the interior. This could be expanded with having curves and other shape formation have you thought of a simple layout first? As if you look at a few images of real life builds you can see it does hold high details surrounding the area and on the build itself.

Try to even make use of having reference images so you’ll find the proper material and building structure and try recreating them inside studio. I recommend just searching variety of style ‘airports’ as you use them for your build, more effort could still be put into this.

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Alright, thank you all for the support. I will put each and every comment and make a better example.

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I agree with this feedback; materials are a critical part of these kinds of buildings, and so are decals.

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This definitely needs more improvements. Try to make depth of the buildings and make it look realistic and maybe spend some a lot of time on working your building. Overall, good job.


Moved to #help-and-feedback:cool-creations, due to lack of technical aspects in question.

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I would recommend looking up an actual picture of an airport an trying to recreate its design.

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