Custom animation not working

Write your replies but i have to answer so i will:

What i am trying to do is make a custom animation from the StarterCharacterScript or at least i think that is the name…

The issue is when i test it is the normal animation you always get.

Here is the script:

local starterCharacterScripts = game.StarterPlayer:FindFirstChild("StarterCharacterScripts")

if animationsModel and starterCharacterScripts then
	local animSaves = animationsModel:FindFirstChild("AnimSaves")
	if animSaves then
		for _, animation in pairs(animSaves:GetChildren()) do
			if animation:IsA("KeyframeSequence") then
				local clonedAnimation = animation:Clone()
				clonedAnimation.Parent = starterCharacterScripts
		warn("AnimSaves not found in Animations [LAST VERSION]")
	warn("Animations [LAST VERSION] or StarterCharacterScripts not found")

please fix this if you can.
i need help…
Also credits to whoever made the animation i am trying to import

(Info to help: this animation pack has 3 walking animations and 1 running animation)

you dont need to copy and remove other animations which already in player instead if humanoid.StateChangedand:Connect function(old, new) if new == running then animation:Play()
its just example its not full script dont full copy this i write so you can understand

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i get it but i dont see the write yet (dont ask what im saying rn idk)

i can message you the script to copy it and show me if you want or i can be patient