Custom Avatar Loader - Free Custom Character Creator Plugin

Hi, I made a plugin to create custom avatars in Roblox Studio through a GUI! :relieved:
Link here: CustomAvatarLoader - Roblox

This may not seem significant to some, and that’s fine - however I’ve personally had many difficulties trying to load in avatars with the accessories I want - so I figured I’d make this for anybody who also wants to create avatars with any accessory from the catalog without ridiculous methods :smiley:

The menu is here, it’s pretty self explanatory:

To create the avatar, just copy and paste the IDs in the respective fields (note, you can’t put hair in the hats field and vice versa)

Then press ‘Load Character’ (animate scripts aren’t removed so it comes up with an inject popup)
Note, if your head spawns below the character, go into the head and remove all head welds :relieved:

Finally, if you want to clear all of the textbox fields, press ‘Clear All’ and you can start from a mostly clean slate!

Example of usage here:

I hope this helps at least one other person!


Could you please link the script that puts the hair on top of the character? I really need it.

Sure, but it uses HumanoidDescription so it’s a bit in depth - I’ll try to simplify it to what you’re looking for though:

local players = game:GetService("Players")

local humanoidDescription ="HumanoidDescription")
humanoidDescription.HairAccessory = "<Insert hair ID here>"

local newmodel = players:CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription(humanoidDescription, Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6)
newmodel.Parent = workspace
newmodel.Name = "CustomCharacter"

If you want other properties, such as the body colour to change, hats, etc, I suggest you check this out:

Hope this helps!

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Sadly it will not ;( I am trying to make a character customization gui and it doesn’t work with hats.