Custom Backpack/Inventory System

Hi! I’ve recently made my own custom backpack GUI/system that I’m quite proud of for how it looks and functions! I’d love to hear some feedback and opinions about it!
Overhauled parts of the core backpack GUI include:

  1. Style and sizing changes.
    • Most obvious is the change in the style, with the new GUI including rounded corners, a darker theme, an outline surrounding each element and two additional parameters.
    • The UI elements now never go offscreen, no matter how small or big the resolution is!
      Unlike the default backpack GUI, where slots have a constant size of 60, mine scale down if they start going of screen while also scaling up if the resolution is higher than 1080p! While I personally don’t have the problem of UI elements being small as I have a 1080p monitor, I’ve seen countless youtube videos showcasing how small the Hotbar and Backpack are on higher resolutions.
  1. Additional parameters such as rarity and quantity of a tool.
    • Rarity is a number that is an attribute of the tool, if no attribute exists or if the rarity is 0, then it counts the item as without rarity and displays no stars while also reverting the color to white.
    • Quantity is also a number attribute of the tool, that is shown as “xN” with N being the quantity asigned to the tool. If no attribute exists, the quantity isn’t shown. Unlike a quantity of 0, which the tool can still use in it’s logic and therefore is still displayed as “x0”.
      NOTE: The quantity =/= amount of the same tool! It’s purpose is to integrate tool values! For example: Guns - How much ammo is left in the magazine, Consumables - how many uses left and/or allowing stacking of items if it’s needed! For example if we pick up Ammo for our weapon, we don’t want to flood the inventory with hundreds of tools that only server the purpose of being reserve ammo without any logic behind them, so instead we can check if the player already has Ammo in their backpack and we only increase the Quantity of it, instead adding that tool into the backpack!


  1. Last overhauled part is the sorting!
    • Now you can sort your backpack by Name, Rarity and Quantity in addition to the default Search bar! Although with my lazy implementation, you have to write the name accurately (only capitalization doesn’t matter)
      Inventory Sorting Showcase2
    • Hotkey integrated sorting is also a thing (Similarly to Minecraft). Since the new sorting system requires you to firstly, click on the tool you want to change the position of and secondly, click on the slot you want to put it at. And if that slot is already taken, it switches their positions. Because of the way it was implemented (while backpack is open, your equip requests are sent to sorting instead), you can quickly sorting your inventory by using your number keys! (This is visible on me placing “Rarity Test 0” Tool into the first slot without having to drag my mouse there)
      Inventory Sorting Showcase1

Overall, there are still a few things I’d like to add and fix up in the future, mainly changing the search bar into an algorithm based one, so you don’t have to write the names 100% accurately, and adding a few tiny, but satisfying sounds for different actions (mainly just sorting and opening/closing your backpack).

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wow. Amazing, this is incredibly pretty! well done!

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